The Harmony of Gratitude

Watch the full video from Sunday service “Deeds vs. Intentions” Krishnadas shares a story of harmony of gratitude, as taught by Swami Kriyananda.

The Sun Behind the Fog

Watch the full video Highlight from Sunday service “Reason vs. Intuition” Devarshi shares a sweet story about a little girl and the sun hiding behind the fog.

Yukteswar Challenges a Pundit

Watch the full video Highlight from Sunday service “Dogmatism vs. Common Sense Sri Yukteswar challenges a pompous pundit to speak truth by his own realizations.

Sailing the Spiritual Seas

Watch the full video here: From Sunday Service Titled: The Law is Perfected in Love Atman shares this wonderful analogy on how we can sail the sea of life by knowing how to navigate our spiritual ship.