I Live Without Fear

  • I Live Without Fear

     Jitendra Guindon updated 4 years ago 4 Members · 4 Posts
  • Jitendra Guindon

    March 20, 2020 at 10:55 am

    During this time of change and the strong invitation to feel fear at this time, I have been listening to this powerful song that Swami Kriyananda wrote.  When listening to this song, I feel my heart open and all fear wash away as if it never was there.  Enjoy Wink

  • Allie Regester

    March 24, 2020 at 7:06 pm

    A very profound and inspiring song, especially during these times of uncertainty. Thank you for sharing! The last few days, I have been chanting “They Have Heart Thy Name” prior to offering healing prayers. As I chant these lyrics, I feel my heart opening and being filled with a deep sense of compassion and empathy to the needs of others.

    They have heard Thy name, the blind, halt and lame.
    They have come to Thy door, they have come to Thy door.
    Give Thou an audience, Lord.
    Those that are drowned in sin; to whom will they go?
    They have no one, O Lord.
    They have heard Thy name; the blind, halt and lame.

  • Vivian Bryan

    March 26, 2020 at 12:31 pm

    Hi Jitendra, Allie and all, 

    Love and bountiful blessings from Dana Point❤️This chant of Master’s is so relevant now more than ever.  Enjoy diving deeper inward, and rising higher upward, Beloved Family!


    Think ye in thy heart,

    Lotus feet of thy Guru,

    If you want to cross the ocean of delusion.

    Shaming the white lotus in purity,

    Beyond all duality,

    Guru, image of Brahma,

    Deliver us from delusion.

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