Serving close to nature as part of a dynamic group is a powerful way to de-stress and re-center oneself while learning new skills and making new friendships. Explore our programs that are designed to rejuvenate your on all levels—physical, mental and spiritual.


karma yoga„Service is ennobling. It is a way of offering our human littleness into the great Reality that is God. When we serve others in this spirit, we find our own spirits becoming freed from egotism.“
—Swami Kriyananda

Serve at Ananda's Retreat Centers

Come participate in some of our structured programs that give you an extended opportunity to:

  • serve in an uplifting environment with fellow truth seekers
  • Daily guided meditation and yoga sessions
  • Classes and group discussions with our experienced instructors.
  • Healthy, delicious meals vegetarian meals

 Explore our programs:


Join energies with us, wherever you are! With the advent of the internet and modern technology, there are many ways you can participate in Ananda from the comfort of your own homes.

Fill the form below and let us know about yourself: your availability, your particular skill set or the area of service that most inspires you.

„All those who support this work now, and in the future, I bless.“ —Paramhansa Yogananda