[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tSIKe0zhGY]

A message from Nakula Cryer, construction manager for the Temple of Light at Ananda Village:

It was 1977. The year before, a forest fire had swept through the first Ananda community and burned virtually all the houses, including my own humble yurt. I was building a new home. An octagonal log dome, built from trees killed by the fire. Fall was approaching fast and I had yet to get the roof up. I put out an announcement to the community to “come raise the roof.”  Virtually the entire community came, including Swami Kriyananda, our founder and direct disciple of the great yoga Master Paramhansa Yogananda. Swami had just returned from a three month stay in India and saw the notice in the mailroom. There he was, in dark slacks and a pure white tee shirt, helping skin the bark off the logs. It was an inspiring day for all.

The following year Swami lead a series of nationwide tours, The Joy Tours, to promote Ananda and recruit new members. During the outreach tour, he spoke eloquently on building community and world brotherhood and often referenced that particular workday.  Many of the current leaders and senior members were inspired by those talks to come to Ananda.

Throughout Ananda’s history, workdays (seva days) have been an integral part of building community. From the early geodesic dome temples at the Meditation Retreat to the ‘new’ Expanding Light Retreat, to ‘Tempio de Luchi’ in Assisi, and it’s sister Temple of Light in Seattle. And now, the Temple of Light at Ananda Village.

Please join us if you can for the Volunteer Seva Week from July 30 to August 5th at Ananda Village.

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