Clarity Magazine, Overcoming Challenging Karma, Spiritual Growth

Loved and Protected – Stories of Miracles and Answered Prayers

When I found myself horizontal in the air going backwards, I rotated my body to face into the fall and saw that I was going head first down a long steep stairwell. Then I heard a voice of power like I have never heard before. “Oh! God! NO!”

Clarity Magazine, Overcoming Challenging Karma

Common Obstacles on the Spiritual Path – How to Transcend Them

Laziness is the inertia that impedes a person’s attempts to progress. He wakes up in the morning and thinks, “Oh, let me lie here just a little longer, before getting up to meditate.” Or he thinks, “It would be good to discipline myself, but let me just wait until tomorrow!”

Clarity Magazine, Overcoming Challenging Karma

Strategies for Overcoming Fear

A mental indulgence in fear creates a subconscious fear habit. When something upsetting occurs, the subconscious fear habit asserts itself, magnifying the object of one’s fears.

Clarity Magazine, Overcoming Challenging Karma

The Battle to Overcome Addiction – A Devotee’s Journey

When I “came to” I realized to the core of my being that all I needed to do was accept the gift of sobriety and say YES to it and to life, and God would take care of the rest!

Clarity Magazine, Overcoming Challenging Karma, Spiritual Growth

The Devotee Who Could Not Find a Hiding Place

The humble wife said, “Suddenly I saw all my thoughts awakened in the dark temple of my mind, and they rebuked me, seeming to say, ‘You can’t eat the bananas alone. We are all watching you.'”

Clarity Magazine, Overcoming Challenging Karma, Spiritual Growth

How to Transcend Astrological Influences – Yogananda on Astrology

While it is not unwise to initiate worthwhile undertakings at astrologically auspicious times, anything you do with deep faith in God will blossom under better influences than you could hope to find by consulting the heavens for favorable aspects.

A Place Called Ananda, Overcoming Challenging Karma

Through Tempest, Through Snows…

Well here we are, the best part of a year gone since coming to live on the land, here at Ananda Kriya Yogashram in Pune, India. It is now Monsoon, and no better time is there to reflect on the tests and trials that have passed and to wonder at those still yet to come. The beauty of this land … Read More

Clarity Magazine, Overcoming Challenging Karma, Spiritual Growth

From the British Isles to India: Continuing the Game of Minutes*

Beloved, we have come to a place together, where it is very difficult to leave Your presence. How difficult it was, at the beginning of this journal, to hold You for very long. You have made Yourself so delightfully delicious to me that I do not want to withdraw from You. It is easier to will myself into Your presence than it is to will myself out of it, once in.

Clarity Magazine, Overcoming Challenging Karma

When Life Gives You More Than You Can Handle

When we fail in our aspirations and fall to the ground, we need to be able to muster the courage to get up and try again. There is always a way to go forward.

Clarity Magazine, Overcoming Challenging Karma, Spiritual Growth

Escaping Persecution: The Journey from Russia to Ananda

I had been attending yoga classes for about two years when three men in dark suits appeared one day and arrested our teacher. Everyone knew that someone from the class had betrayed him by reporting him to the KGB. Later we learned that our teacher had been arrested for distributing the yoga literature he had translated.