The sentinels of sun and moon stand patiently at earth’s doorstep to greet Thy home‐coming.

Thy mansion of heaven is lit by perennial aurora displays of mystic light.

The stellar system moves on endless, dark highways of eternity, leading to Thy mystic home.

The comet‐peacocks spread gay plumes across the sky, dancing in wild delight in a garden of many moons.

I sit on my little patch, the Milky Way, and watch the glory of Thy kingdom spread out everywhere.

The heavenly festivities dazzle us with meteor reworks against the night

That march across the blue vault to the beat of Thy unseen band, obedient to Thy will.

Everybody, everything, every atom rejoices at Thy coronation, O Thou uncrowned King of Galaxies!

Each day the trees drop flowers in Thine honor, and the skiey inverted bowl drops incense mists to honor Thee.

Candlesticks of cosmic power hold burning stars to light Thy mystic temple.

Meteorites blaze, traverse the sky, then fall to earth, mad with Thy joy.

The planetary dance glides in stately rhythms: Everything awaits Thy home‐coming.

Because Thou hast seemed absent, Thy mansion of matter has, to our minds, seemed dark, unmeaning, steeped in sorrow.

Darkness is being dispelled! Thy gloom‐drenched chamber of eternity grows radiant to my eyes at the news of Thy coming.

Heaven opens wide its gates, and light streams forth.
Bon res of light everywhere in outer space, of shining nebulae and luminous galaxies: All herald Thy approach.

And I am running wild, dancing in my little body on this little earth—and skimming over milky ways,

Coaxing everything: the atoms of all space—
Each speck of consciousness.
I cry: “Come! Open wide! Let divine light shine in all dark human hearts!

Drive out darkness from them evermore,
And make once again gladsome this bare, lonely wilderness of matter!”

Next: Our Dream-World

Dreams of God