Video and Audio

The Easter Story for Children

April 9, 2023

Narani Moorhouse shares this dramatic and inspiring story to children during the Easter celebration at Ananda Village, April 9th 2023. Narani has been a wonderful "Education for Life" teacher for many years.

Jesus's tragic death on the cross plunged his disciples into confusion and despair, but his miraculous resurrection three days later filled them with awe, belief, and unspeakable joy. In his last words before ascending to heaven, Jesus comforted them with the beautiful promise that he would be present always, even until the end of the world.



The Tragic Death of Jesus

Narani Moorhouse:

On that sorrowful Friday long ago, Jesus’ disciples felt despair. Their beloved teacher, who preached wisdom and love, had healed the sick and even raised the dead. How could he be killed like a common criminal? Fearing for their safety, the disciples hid in confusion and grief.

The Miraculous Resurrection

Early Sunday morning, some faithful women went to Jesus’ tomb, hoping to anoint his body. Upon arriving, they discovered the massive stone rolled away and the tomb empty. An angelic figure proclaimed that Jesus had risen from the dead. Remembering Jesus’ prophecy of rebuilding the temple in three days, the women rushed to share the incredible news.

Appearing to Mary Magdalene

On the road, Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene. Overjoyed by his familiar voice saying her name, she recognized her risen Lord, miraculously alive again. Jesus instructed her to reunite with the disciples in Galilee. Though initially incredulous, the disciples grew hopeful after hearing Jesus’ promises echoed.

Reuniting with the Disciples

In Galilee, the disciples encountered their resurrected Savior as he broke bread with them. His bodily presence and loving words dispelled their doubts, filling them with belief, purpose, and unspeakable joy. Before ascending to Heaven, Jesus comforted them with the beautiful promise: “Lo, I am with you always, even until the end of the world.”

This assurance was not only for the disciples but for all people in all times. What a blessing to celebrate this Easter!