
Yogananda’s Bible interpretations

Ananda Sangha Worldwide

Question from J: Hi, I find your lessons intrguing. I am considering converting to Christianity, but like Yogananda mentioned, am afraid I might be responding to churchianity. I feel that I shoud uncover divinty in life, in each moment. I also feel that Jesus and Buddha have been pivotal figures in modern spirituality. However, they are probably misunderstood. Seeing as Yogananda has written…


Finding a marriage partner

Nayaswami Anandi

Question from a friend: (My English not very good). I have a great desire: to find the right person, get married and have family. I am 38. I passed through bad relationships for many years. I missed lots of opportunities but now I am willing to do all the right things and take the right attitudes to maintain a good and health relationship. If…


Is it wrong to have pets?

Nayaswami Seva

Question from Nirmal: I just wanted to know your opinions on having pets at home. Does one get, for instance, “bad karma” for keeping a bird in a cage as a pet, even if it is allowed to often fly around the house? Also, we recently got kitten but a relative has advised us that keeping a cat may be against certain Hindu…


Astrological aids

Nayaswami Anandi

Question from Will: Around the full moon I often am moody and short of temper. What can I do to keep this from occuring. Would a bangle help? Also, while on the topic of bangles, I have noticed in a photo of Master he is wearing three. Does anybody know why.



Nayaswami Anandi

Question from Nirmal: Have humans evolved from apes by natural selection, or are we the result of a special creation by God? Or, moreover, does the answer include both these views? Thanks, Nirmal


Do robots have consciousness similar to humans?

Nayaswami Gyandev

Question from Could Robots have consciousness???: Hi, I’ve studied a little bit of Artificial intelligence and what i’ve come to understand is that Humans are an abstraction of God and what we are trying to do is make Robots an abstraction of humans…. We can emulate the human behavior and psychology into a robot….. if we achieve this and to certain level we have, does it…


Mantra repetition

Nayaswami Gyandev

Question from tanmay: recently, i started rectiting and listening to mahamrityunjaya mantra. however, i have heard that this is a very powerful mantra and can have severe impacts if not recited well. i want to i need to follow some ways…i mean is it ok to listen to this mantra just as i wake up???


Yogananda’s predictions of economic crisis

Nayaswami Anandi

Question from Aaron: It occured to me today that the worldwide economic crisis we find ourselves in may be the deep depression that Yogananda warned us to prepare for. Is it? What should my family and I do to prepare for it?



Nayaswami Anandi

Question from Nirmal Vadgama: Recently, I have been very interested on the subject of evolution (in terms of physical transmutations and speciation) and have thoroughly investigated the claims of both materialistic science and religious advocates. However, when it comes to HUMAN evolution, there are about as many different theories as there are people. The Vedic perspective seems to broadly agree with Darwinian evolution, but…


Spiritual Names

Nayaswami Seva

Question from Kerey: Hello, I noticed many members of Ananda have spiritual names. What is the significance of this, is it important on the spiritual path and how should one attain one if it is needed? I know that members of the Sikh religion receive a new name, is this similar?