From pools of inner silence I sip the sparkling waters of Thy peace.

Affirmations for Self-Healing by Swami Kriyananda

Dear Friend,

Paramhansa Yogananda wrote, “A yogi whose mind is like a rippleless lake, free from the waves of temporary mental elation, sadness, or emotional disturbances—due to loss or gain, victory or failure—finds within himself the unruffled clear reflection of the Spirit.”

We experience peace of mind when our thoughts are still. Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God.” Meditation is the vehicle that keeps our attention in the moment, because we cannot change the past, and the future never arrives! If we can keep our attention fully in the “now” we experience a sublime stillness—when time ceases to exist! We are able to listen to others with open hearts, without fear, without ego interference. Nothing can shake our inner peace.

To sustain inner peace, accept with gratitude whatever life presents you. Everything comes from God, and every challenge, every setback, every blessing is a gift to our soul. 

“If you want to live in peace and harmony, affirm divine calmness and peace, and send only thoughts of love and goodwill.” —Paramhansa Yogananda

In divine friendship,

Nayaswami Pushpa for Thank you, God!

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Starting May 12 – Ananda Course in Meditation (Online)

Through the practice of Paramhansa Yogananda’s scientific techniques of meditation, experience peace of mind that is unconditioned by life’s circumstances.  

Guided Meditation

Nayaswami Diksha offers a 16-minute guided meditation, including a highly effective technique—brought to the West by Yogananda—to help you attain greater concentration and peace. Diksha is a long time meditator and is co-director of the Ananda Meditation Teacher Training program at The Expanding Light Retreat.

The Silent Minute

The Silent Minute was born from a conversation between two soldiers on the eve of a battle in the mountains around Jerusalem in the First World War. One knew he would not survive the war and prophesied the coming of an even greater conflict that would be fought out in every continent, ocean and air. He urged his comrade to provide an opportunity for him, and millions like him, to assist from the “other side.”

He said: “Lend us a moment… each day and through your Silence give us an opportunity. The power of Silence is greater than you know.”

The Silent Minute was instituted by his comrade, Major Tudor-Pole O.B.E, during the London Blitz in 1940 as a moment to enter into Silence and, to provide a portal for cooperation with an “unseen but mighty army” in the subtle realms.The Silent Minute called upon all citizens of the British Commonwealth nations and territories on land, sea and air to unite in thought—irrespective of philosophy or religion—in a Silent Prayer for Freedom and Peace. 

Every night on BBC radio, at one minute before the hour, the bells of Big Ben signaled the Silent Minute to begin at 9 pm. Tudor-Pole knew that if enough people joined in this gesture of dedicated intent, the tide would turn and the invasion of England would be diverted. Indeed, its success in bringing peace was acknowledged after the war by a high ranking German Officer who was quoted as saying:

“…[Y]ou had a secret weapon for which we could find no counter measure and which we did not understand, but it was very powerful. It was associated with the striking of the Big Ben each evening. I believe you called it the “Silent Minute.”

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