In normal everyday life, the will manifests itself as willingness. An attitude of willingness is the first, and forever essential step in attuning our will to God’s infinite will.


Willingness must be cultivated deliberately. Don’t wait for favorable circumstances to awaken willingness in you. Train yourself in the attitude of saying yes to life!


Prayer and meditation are the best ways to make the mind receptive, as well as an attitude of willingness. Embrace whatever duty life places on your shoulders.


The secret of inner peace is practicing willingness, even though your mental habits may urge you to say, “No!”


Willingness to seek the underlying reality behind appearances is essential for those who would know God.


The sincere aspirant must try always to keep his consciousness flowing toward greater awareness in God. The mere willingness to enter the divine stream is often all one needs.


Spiritual realism — the willingness, for example, to face uncompromisingly the full truth about oneself— softens the heart and fills it eventually with kindness toward all.


The willingness to adjust to realities broader than your own is a sign of maturity. How you react to disappointment determines whether you are developing contractive attitudes of bitterness and cynicism or expanding towards acceptance and wisdom.


Be willing in everything you do. Willingness begets energy. As Yogananda used to say, “The greater the will, the greater the flow of energy.”


We live surrounded by an ocean of cosmic energy, and draw on it to a greater or lesser degree, depending on our will power, or willingness, and on the clarity of our awareness.


Bad habits cannot be destroyed by mere willingness to eradicate them. One must act according to that willingness; not only once or twice, but repeatedly and continuously.


Doing certain things at certain times creates the willingness to perform those actions. The body assimilates food better when breakfast, lunch, and dinner are served regularly. To go to church regularly on Sundays develops the habit of thinking of religion or of God at least once a week.

All quotations are from the writings of Paramhansa Yogananda and Swami Kriyananda Related Reading: Secrets of Inner Peace, by Swami Kriyananda, Crystal Clarity Publishers

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