When the sparks of cosmic creation flew from Thy bosom of
flame, I sang in the chorus of singing lights which heralded the
coming of the worlds. I am a spark of Thy cosmic fire.

Thou sun of life, as Thou didst peep into the mortal cups of
mind, filled with molten liquid of vital sparks, Thou wert caught
within the golden smallness of human feelings.

In each fragile, oscillating mirror of flesh, I see the restless dance
of Thine omnipresent power. In the quivering lake of life, I behold
Thine almighty life.

Christlike, teach me by the command of concentration to stop
the storms of restless desires raging over the limpid lake of
my mind.

In the still lake of my soul, I love to behold Thine unruffled face
of stillness. Break the boundaries of the little wave of my life, that
Thy vastness may spread over me.

Make me feel that my heart is throbbing in Thy breast, and that
Thou art walking through my feet, breathing through my breath,
wielding my arms of activity, and weaving thoughts in my brain.

Thy sleeping sighs wake when my sighs cry. Through Thy play-
fulness, the bubbles of Thy visions of creation float in the chamber
of my delusive sleep.

It is Thy meteoric will which courses through the skies of my
will. Make me feel that it is Thou who hast become I. O, make me
Thyself, that I may behold the little bubble of me, floating in Thee!

Whispers from Eternity, by Paramhansa Yogananda, 1949 edition.

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