A Place Called Ananda, Spiritual Community, Spiritualizing Relationships

Serving with Young Adults at Ananda Village

My husband and I returned to live at Ananda Village in March of 2009 after living at Ananda Sacramento, California for the last 23 years. There we served as the Colony Leaders and Spiritual Directors. Ananda Farms today… We are now working with the young adults at Ananda Village and working with some of them on the Ananda farm. As … Read More

A Place Called Ananda, Spiritual Community, Spiritualizing Relationships

An Ananda Wedding

It has been a busy summer here so far. And in the midst of it all we took a breath and celebrated the marriage of two dear friends. Peter & Hassi planned their wedding for July during a time when Ananda is typically very hot. And it was. However, when the wedding started and the sun began to dip behind … Read More

Spiritual Community, Spiritualizing Relationships

Living in Prosperity

A few weeks ago we were talking with a guest at The Expanding Light who had recently suffered severe losses in the Stock Market. He went on to tell about his first meeting with Swami Kriyananda twenty years ago. At a pool party at Crystal Hermitage, Swamiji sat down next to him, and without any preamble, said, “The real treasures … Read More

Clarity Magazine, Daily Life, Spiritualizing Relationships

The Causes of Economic Depression

Always avoid the evil of selfishness. It is the root of all troubles, whether individual or national. Selfishness caused the 1930 depression in America. Businessmen and industrialists, by their indifference to the needs and sufferings of others, broke the spiritual law of equal supply. Thus, the richest nation on the globe suddenly became poor.

Clarity Magazine, Divine Love, Spiritualizing Relationships

Letters of Encouragement

If we understand that, by loving, it is God’s love we express, He will surely flow through any barrier we erect of ego and self-interest, and uplift significantly the consciousness of the world.

Clarity Magazine, Divine Love, Spiritualizing Relationships

Letters of Encouragement

In my relationship with Master, I have found that I’m the most in tune with him when I don’t have the thought of what I’m getting from him, but dwell rather in the thought of what I’m giving to him.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritualizing Relationships

Letters of Encouragement

Divine friendship is something one rarely encounters in the world, where everyone seems to want only to justify his own actions and character.

A Place Called Ananda, Spiritual Growth, Spiritualizing Relationships

Life is Precious

A friend of mine died two weeks ago. He was my closest friend during high school, and was planning to visit me at Ananda Village today.

A Place Called Ananda, Spiritual Community, Spiritualizing Relationships

Entering the Aura of Swami Kriyananda

This evening I went to the Crystal Hermitage to gather some recording equiptment for a kirtan, and was dynamically engulfed in the aura of Swami Kriyananda. He lives downstairs, and I didn’t get a chance to greet him, but his aura permeated my whole being, making me smile with such sweet joy. I go to the Crystal Hermitage quite a … Read More

A Place Called Ananda, Spiritual Community, Spiritualizing Relationships

Prayer Vigil for Swami Kriyananda

On May 29th, a prayer vigil began at Ananda Village, inspired by the two that were recently held at Ananda Assisi.