
Two Steps of Meditation

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Aasheesh Chhabra: With experience of walking on spiritual path it seems like it involves two processes. First is calming the mind and Second raising spiritual consciousness. I have found that chanting like Guru gita, Vishnusahasram stotram, Rudram are very beneficial in calm the mind and then once the mind is calm and subdued Kriya yoga pranayama practice is invaluable to increase consciousness.…

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Consideration for Others: Inspiration for the Week

Consideration for others is one of the marks of a refined spirit. Many people on the spiritual path feel that, since it is within that they are seeking the kingdom of God, and since they are working at developing a spirit of non-attachment, it doesn’t matter how they express themselves to others. Indeed, their inconsiderateness is an affirmation of their…

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“Psalm of David” by Swami Kriyananda – Christ Lives – An Illustrated Oratorio

An illustrated oratorio, Christ Lives is a contemporary Oratorio that vividly brings to life the deep meaning of Christ’s life. The photography and music by Swami Kriyananda, is sung by the Ananda World Brotherhood Choir. Composed after Swami Kriyananda visited the Holy Land in 1983, Christ Lives brilliantly captures the profoundly inspiring and uplifting experience of Christ’s presence there. In…

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Willingness: The Key to Intuition ~ How to Work with People, Ep. 38

When working intuitively, it is essential to remain open to new ways and ideas. Everything is always changing, and we therefore need to be adaptable. To be willing is to not cling to old form or the tremendous force of the way things are “supposed to be.” Keeping an openness and willingness to see new possibilities extends beyond the rational…


How to Communicate with Higher Spiritual Realms?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Mikael Gustafsson: Hi! I wonder if you could you help me to learn how to communicate with the spiritual realm? I think it is very obvious that I am in contact with a lot of spiritual activities, but I do not seem to know how to communicate properly with them? Thank you in advance, best regards, Mikael

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The Healing Power of Gratitude

Nayaswami Bharat shares this powerful and inspiring story during his Sunday service at Ananda Village, November 28th 2021. You can find the complete talk here. 


Bad Karma? Or Good Karma?

Nayaswami Hassi

Question from Jehangir Nariman: This life I was a gentle, spiritual & peace loving person but I got a very tough life since childhood with violent parents, health issues and financial struggles. I know it must be my own past bad karma. What can I do to ensure that my next life is good with wealthy spiritual peaceful parents, good health, material & spiritual…