O Moses, thou prince of prophets! Thy wisdom’s power has led many souls out of the desert of sorrow to the smiling Promised Land of joy.

The lips of thy life have whispered to us the secret way, setting ablaze the bushes of our souls’ darkness with the fire of wisdom, that in its glow we may behold God’s face of mercy.
In the “burning‐bush” of love, God saw thee, thy face wet with trickling tears of kindness to all, and behold, He said:

“Let My ten angels of heaven escort thee to earth, to blow My Ten Commandments in silence through the trumpets of all times, declaring the march of My invisible army of divine qualities which will do battle with the Satan of human darkness, and his allies of sin, error, untruth, and all their gloom‐drunken soldiers.”

O Moses, thou torch‐bearer of salvation, many soldier‐souls have set out to join thee in thy ceaseless march through the dark night of time. With thee they would fight the forces of gloom and ignorance.

O God‐loving Moses, teach us to fight weakness with power. We will worship the God of Gods, reigning on the throne of all hearts—the One God of all things in existence!


29. Come to Me as Mohammed