I bled, spreading Thy name, and for Thy name’s sake I will ever bleed. With bloody limbs, broken body, wounded features, and bearing the thorn‐crown of derision—yet like a mighty warrior will I fight undismayed, even there where the skirmish is thickest.

With the sword of calmness I will stand rm against the hands of persecution. My disciplined armies of true aspiration, blowing trumpets in Thy name, now march in triumph to seize the dark kingdom of God‐denying souls.

No matter how many blows I receive, and no matter how often the swords of persecution pierce my heart, I am content in the realization that Thou knowest my craving to spread Thy name. I will wear my tribulations not as scars, but as medals given for courage, and as inspirations to strive ever harder in my fight against ignorance. O Lord! help me conquer darkness with Thy golden message of light.

Be Thou, ever, the General in my invasion of the continent of ignorance!


75. Make Me See That I Am Just Acting in Thy Super-Sense Vitaphone Cosmic Pictures