During a recent talk in Bangalore, India, I said that most people are “discontent to some extent.” Devi liked the catchy phrase so much that she even wryly suggested we should print it on T-shirts. Personally, I think that’s going too far, but it does make a good topic for a blog.

Poetically speaking, God sings the universe into existence by chanting AUM, the vibration of duality. One of these dualities is likes and dislikes. As Sri Yukteswar put it, “The mere existence of a physical body signifies that its existence is made possible by unfulfilled desires.” Poetically speaking, discontent is the glue that holds creation together.

One of the fastest (and happiest) paths to Self-realization is simply to accept things as they are. We spend so much time and effort pushing away things in the world that don’t fit our particular bundle of likes and dislikes. Wanting things to be other than they are drains us of our energy.

Swami Kriyananda tells of an interesting revelation in this regard. This incident took place when he was living in San Francisco. His schedule was intense, with classes in different locations every evening as well as writing, correspondence, and counseling required during the day.

One evening he was scheduled to teach a class on “Energy and Energization” in Palo Alto, California. He stopped at his parents’ house, which happened to be close to the classroom. His mother took one look at him and said, “You look exhausted. You just have to cancel that class tonight.” He knew that wasn’t possible, but compromised by taking a rest.

stories of swami kriyananda and service to paramhansa yogananda

I will willingly accept whatever is given to me as mine to do.

Instead of falling asleep, he began to think of all the obligations that were sapping his strength. He realized that the problem wasn’t the actual work itself but rather the energy drained by his mental resistance. One by one he visualized each obligation: the classes and commute time, the correspondence, the writing, the many people asking for his guidance. As each one arose, he deeply accepted it. As he did so his energy flooded back. When he emerged from the bedroom his mother remarked, “Oh, you look so much better! You must have had a good nap.”

I was working with him at the time as his assistant, and he told me about the experience the next day. He concluded the story with a twinkle in his eye and the comment, “It was the best class on energy I have ever given.”

This isn’t just an interesting story but a life lesson. Who among us hasn’t felt resentful about our responsibilities? And, who among us hasn’t felt drained because of inner resistance? This very morning in meditation I was doing what Swamiji did that evening so many years ago. I was deeply accepting that which God has given me to do. And, like Swamiji, I emerged from our meditation room with much greater energy and enthusiasm.

Let’s use this holy advent season as a chance to develop new qualities and re-energize our spiritual life. Last week Devi wrote, “I invite you to join me in this challenge for the rest of 2022: to feel God’s love flowing through you in each moment of the day. This is the greatest gift you can give to the world. And who knows? God may come in hidden form to receive it.”

This week I invite you to add this challenge. From now until the end of the year practice this: “I will willingly accept whatever is given to me as mine to do.”

If we do this we will become “more content to a great extent.”

In joy,

Nayaswami Jyotish

Listen to Jyotish as he reads the blog, then expands on it, often adding special behind-the-inspiration stories and answers to common spiritual questions. Subscribe to the podcast or download the audio recording by right-clicking here. Or listen to it here (7:55):


  1. Thanks. This is very helpful. It reminds me of mindfulness teachings.

  2. Your story is excellent.The
    concept of the Experience-
    Lesson goes deep into the
    Thank You.

  3. This has touched me and I feel a calm where before I was anxious. Thank you.

  4. Thank you Devi. This is a Good lesson for us all.

  5. Such a wonderful blog. I read both dual and non-dual Vedanta – and did not know what path to follow. You have clearly shown us the light, that the world and the God are two (dual Vedanta). There are dualities in the world like happiness and sorrow. Our aim in life is to develop Vairagya (dispassion) towards likes and dislikes in the world – And develop deep loving longing for God alone. May you see him as Lord Krishna, or may you see him as Lord Rama.

  6. Too good !!! This lesson will help me a lot to check my mental energy-draining obligations and to overcome them !!!
    JAI GURU !!!

  7. After I read this, I realized that dis content in the blog is great for many people.

  8. What a lovely reflection and reminder about not resisting what is happening especially this Advent . Thank you.

  9. Priceless. And the photo of Swami is wonderful, too. Thank you, Jyotish!

  10. Thank you for the wonderful emails. I learn more from them then by meditating…
    Keep them coming… :)

  11. Swamiji chose the right two people to take the lead in following in his footsteps.

  12. Divine Timing. Yesterday I am so very angry about what happened at work. A coworker gets to go to part time while I have to stay full time, even though I have been asking for years after having a bout of major depression. And although I thought I had walked through a lot of realizations last night, this comes this morning to show me I have more to release. Thank you.

  13. Thank you! Head up,chest up,deep breath. Here comes life! Say yes to it!

  14. Wow! Jyotish, this hit it out of the park! Or in World cup parlance, GOOOAAALLLL!

    Now I shall do intense energization exercises, meditate deeply, and embrace all that appears before me. For every moment is a gift from God, aptly called – the Present – and we better open it, see what’s inside and give thanks for the task to be accomplished on this day!

    Blessings to you and Devi!

  15. Dear Nayaswami Jyotish Ji,

    Thank you for this wonderful blog and a great reminder. Right at the time I needed it :-)
    I am willingly accepting the challenge.


  16. Just what I needed to hear since I have been feeling overwhelmed. This helps me to relax and not worry that all the important things will get done when needed. Thank you!!

    1. THank you. I feel bereft but you have given me some hope.

  17. What God is giving me now is medical challenges and a heart procedure at the hospital in a few days. This article reminds me that Swamiji learned to accept all the challenges of his own body, not even praying for them to be different. May I learn to be that way too. Thank you Jyotish.

  18. Dear Friend, your reminder could not have come at a more opportune time (no accident). I am grateful for your loving friendship in God and Guru and I very much appreciate God through you. Namaste

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