Swami Kriyananda became a disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda on September 12, 1948. Here is a special anniversary message from Nayaswami Jyotish and Nayaswami Devi honoring Swamiji’s Spiritual Birthday:

Swami Kriyananda Meets his Guru: 

Excerpt from The New PathChapter 16: The Pilgrim Meets His Guide:

Gazing at me now with deep love, he said, “I give you my unconditional love.”

Immortal promise! I couldn’t begin to fathom the depth of meaning in those words.

“Will you give me your unconditional love?”


Swami Kriyananda with Paramhansa Yogananda

Swami Kriyananda and Paramhansa Yogananda

“And will you also give me your unconditional obedience?”

Desperately though I desired acceptance, I had to be utterly honest. “Suppose, sometime,” I asked, “I think you’re wrong?”

“I will never ask anything of you,” he solemnly replied, “that God does not tell me to ask.”

He continued, “When I met my master, Sri Yukteswar, he said to me, ‘Allow me to discipline you.’ ‘Why, Sir?’ I inquired. ‘Because,’ he replied, ‘in the beginning of the spiritual path one’s will is guided by whims and fancies. Mine was, too,’ Sri Yukteswar continued, ‘until I met myguru, Lahiri Mahasaya. It was only by attuning my haphazard will to his wisdom-guided will that I found true freedom.’ In the same way, if you attune your will to mine, you too will find freedom. To act only on the inspiration of whims and fancies is not freedom, but bondage. Only by doing God’s will can you find what you are seeking.”

“I see,” I replied thoughtfully. Then from my heart I said, “I give you my unconditional obedience!”

My guru continued: “When I met my master, he gave me his unconditional love, as I have given you mine. He then asked me to love him the same way, unconditionally. But I replied, ‘Sir, what if I should ever find you less than a Christlike master? Could I still love you the same way?’ My master looked at me sternly. ‘I don’t want your love,’ he said. ‘It stinks!’”

“I understand, Sir,” I assured him. He’d struck at the heart of my greatest weakness: intellectual doubt. With deep feeling I said to him, “I give you my unconditional love!”

He went on to give me various instructions.

“Now, then, come kneel before me.”

I did so. He made me repeat, in the name of God, Jesus Christ, and the rest of our line of gurus the vows of discipleship and of renunciation. Next he placed the forefinger of his right hand on my chest over the heart. For at least two minutes his arm vibrated almost violently. Incredibly, from that moment on, my consciousness in some all-penetrating manner was transformed.

I left his interview room in a daze. Norman, on hearing that I’d been accepted, embraced me lovingly. It was unusual, to say the least, for anyone to be accepted so quickly. A few moments later, Master came out from behind the open curtain on the lecture platform. Smiling at us quietly, he said:

“We have a new brother.”

See more about the life of service that Swami Kriyananda lovingly shared with others: www.SwamiKriyananda.org

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