At the Heart of Silence

How can you see God? He (or She), like a tuning fork, manifested creation through vibration, and this vibration can be seen as light or heard as the sound of Aum. It is always with us, even if we are not always able to perceive it. Jyotish also shares entertaining stories of Himalayan yogis and a few very practical techniques … Read More

Ananda Leadership Training Intro

Ananda Leadership Training Learn the secrets of Ananda’s success and deepen your own spiritual life with our finest teachers from around the world.Everyone is invited to attend.Each class will be broadcast live. Thursday evenings from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm Pacific Time Starts January 10, 2013 Click here to find out more.

The Law of Karma — Bondage or Soul-Release?

What is the law of karma? It is the spiritual equivalent to the well known law of physics, “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” But more importantly, what can we do about it? As Jyotish explains, the first step is gratitude. 

Does God Hide the Truth?

One of the classic explanations for why God created the universe is “Because he wanted to play hide and seek with mankind.” Jyotish ranges in the discussion of the long-sought Higgs-Boson sub-atomic particle to the touching story of a man whose mental illness was healed by the great Indian saint, Anandamoyi Ma, after throwing at her an orange.