Accepting Our Tests

Nayaswami Jyotish shares from the inspiration of Jesus and Lahiri Mahasaya about the importance of accepting our tests as vehicles for further growth. From his Easter Sunday Service at Ananda Village, April 21st, 2019.

What Awaits Us in the Paradise of God’s Kingdom

Sometimes the beauty of the world holds us captive. While it is wonderful to appreciate and enjoy the beauty of this creation, Nayaswami Devi invites us to always the remember the greater beauty that awaits us in our true home in God. Let beauty remind of the creator behind the creation, looking at the beauty as a remembrance of that … Read More

Autobiography of a Yogi – How the Book Changed My Life

When she first saw Yogananda’s picture on AOY cover, Nayaswami Devi was just 4 years old, but it made a lasting impression on her. Years later after finishing her college Deviji finally read Autobiography of a Yogi. Nayaswami Devi shares that AOY is a living reality for her. It has been a guiding light for whenever she is faced with … Read More