
Who Am I?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Siddharth: I don’t understand anything, please help me 🙏 what is me, what is not me, why am I here, I had a near death experience before, why I have to take birth and die again, what am I doing , why I have to do anything, why these people, who are they? I am 21 year old college student and…


Are We One or Many?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Nithish: Can one know the truth about nature, about oneself . I am confused by the idea that I am (like every living and non living thing) a part of some energy; If that is so, then the answer is already there and I should get along with my daily activities and aspire, like everyone else to achieve the usual goals.…


How Long Will It Take Us to Achieve God-Union?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Abhishek: Paramhansa Yogananda once said to Durga Ma that he was Arjuna in one of his previous incarnations! If his soul took so long to achieve union with the Divine, how long will us mortals take to achieve such union?


Advaita vs Duality (Dvaita)

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Sukhmandeep: Does the philosophy of advaita i.e non-dualism provide the theological ground for Kriya Yoga? If yes, then why does Paramhansa Yogananda address God in a dualistic manner in almost all of his writings?


The Purpose of Life

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Akanksha Bhardwaj: What is that one source which can help me understand the evolution and duality of life clearly?


Path of Self-Realization

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Terri Myers: I have three questions. (1) Would Paramhansa Yogananda approve of these teachings that are outside of the SRF stamp of approval?; (2) I was told that one should not practice Kriya if they are sick? Is this true? and (3) If for health reasons, one cannot perform all of the exercises in the SRC lessons such as the muscle exercises,…


Dissolve the Ego

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Mary Kate Villacres: What is the easiest way to dissolve your ego?



Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Amit gautam: What is the difference between enlightenment (atmagyan) and final liberation (mukti)?