Is it true that Jesus had power to destroy the world if he wished?


Yes, it is true that Jesus had such power. All cosmic forces are governed by intelligence. Otherwise, they would not be able to produce such a well-planned universe. God, who is the Supreme Intelligence and Creator of all things, has the power to destroy anything in this universe which He has created. Everything that exists is the result of the divine will and intelligence.

Jesus said, “I and My Father are One.” He knew that he had the same intelligence and power that God has. Not only could Jesus create a world, he could also un-create it by destroying it.

The ocean creates the waves. When the wave expands and dissolves back into the ocean, it becomes one with the ocean and has all the power of the ocean. This is a vast subject, but as one meditates longer and more deeply, little by little the realization of this power will awaken within him.

From Inner Culture, September 1939.