How can I rejuvenate myself?


Rejuvenation means to live fully and to prolong youth to the end of your days. Some people have good bodies to start with, while others have always been sickly. This is due to past karma.

You must know how to rejuvenate the body not only through proper diet, but through energy, by developing will power. You can bring energy into the body by using will power to tap the Infinite Source of energy. By learning how to tap into the Infinite Source, each one of you can rejuvenate yourself. When your body becomes recharged from the Infinite Source, you will then learn to smile from your soul. You cannot smile with a headache or a broken back.

Diet gives partial rejuvenation, but knowing how to tap the energy from God is the key. A time comes in your life when, no matter what you eat, nothing helps you. You grow old and nothing can stop it. Why not learn some of the energizing methods of India? You cannot rejuvenate yourself by diet alone.

There is always an inner and an outer method of rejuvenation. When a battery is dead, it doesn’t help to put distilled water in it. Energy is also needed to convert the water into energy. It is the same with the body. There comes a time when outer aids — food, air, and oxygen will not help the body. The inner source of energy from God is then necessary.

Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” Everything you eat is vibration. The air that you breathe is vibration. When you are in tune with God, you can subsist on very little food.

India’s great masters have developed specialized methods for the rejuvenation of body, mind, and soul. You must learn from India’s masters the scientific techniques of inner rejuvenation.

Behind your body is the vast ocean of God. Behind your soul is the wisdom of God. Behind your mind is the great intelligence of God. By attuning yourself to Him, you will know that you are a child of God, and that nothing can ever destroy you.

From Inner Culture, March 1939.