Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

Our Most Important Challenge Spiritually

Learning to direct the energy of the heart is probably our most important challenge spiritually. If we want to awaken to our true state of unity with the Divine, we must learn to control our feelings and to channel them in a positive direction.

Clarity Magazine, Overcoming Challenging Karma, Spiritual Growth

Escaping Persecution: The Journey from Russia to Ananda

I had been attending yoga classes for about two years when three men in dark suits appeared one day and arrested our teacher. Everyone knew that someone from the class had betrayed him by reporting him to the KGB. Later we learned that our teacher had been arrested for distributing the yoga literature he had translated.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

Break the Hypnosis of Age

Looking back, I can see where the downhill slide started – in the mind! I had embraced the thought-form so prevalent during the years I was growing up: that the retirement phase of life is the beginning of the end, and that it was “all downhill” from there.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

The Evil of Exaggeration and Gossip

This story fittingly illustrates how people love to exaggerate. People love to believe the impossible and to exaggerate upon it, for it satisfies their hunger for weird, mysterious happenings.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

Cling Inwardly to Love

Remember, when your love for God becomes a constant, silent yearning of your heart, all other things will melt away like morning mist before the rising sun.

Clarity Magazine, Daily Life, Spiritual Growth

Learn to Live Wisely and Well

In this book, Swami Kriyananda takes the lessons learned from a life spent in careful observation of himself and others, and extracts from them guidelines that can transform the life of anyone who will practice them faithfully and with an open heart.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

Understanding Ganesha

Ganesha, the elephant-headed God, is honored throughout India and has come to be one of the most universally recognized images of Hinduism, a symbol of cultural identity and a force for unity in a land of disparities.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

How to be a Channel for the Light

Live more and more in that center where God dwells. Radiate this to others, and their lives, and your own, will be changed.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

How to Relax

People often talk of relaxation, but few know how to achieve it. Complete mental relaxation is voluntary withdrawal of consciousness and energy from the entire body and identification with one’s true nature in Spirit.