Clarity Magazine, Yoga Philosophy

The Glorious Future of Every Soul

If we want to find God, it is important that we strive to look at everything differently from how we are accustomed to doing.

Clarity Magazine, Yoga Philosophy

Glimpses of India: The Conquest of Good over Evil

Diwali symbolizes the conquest of good over evil, the ascendance of light in the midst of darkness and, on a deeper level, the return of the soul to its true kingdom in God from its “exile” in the land of the senses.

Clarity Magazine, Yoga Philosophy

Demand Not to be Enslaved by Ego or Passivity

Oh, my little, vain ego may strut proudly, saying: “Behold my glory! Worship me!” But I will look through its transparent form and behold Thine unimaginable beauty clothed in the subtle form of the whole universe!

Spiritual Community, Yoga Philosophy

Some Great Purpose

A friend of ours recently showed us a wonderful quote that we wanted to share with you: When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: Your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties, and talents become alive, and you … Read More

Clarity Magazine, Divine Love, Yoga Philosophy

Yoga Techniques vs Grace

Yoga techniques are a means of self-improvement, that we might make ourselves a more fit instrument to receive and express God’s love.

Clarity Magazine, Divine Love, Yoga Philosophy

May I Know that the Terrors of Delusion are Only Dreams

Suddenly I beheld myself in rags. Seated on the hard stones of poverty I wept, and my teardrops fell on the unheeding, unrelenting stones of my present circumstances.

Clarity Magazine, Yoga Philosophy

Karma and Reincarnation

The Essence of “Karma and Reincarnation.”

Clarity Magazine, Divine Love, Yoga Philosophy

Make Me See That I Am but an Actor in Thy Cosmic Motion Picture

I am aware that this turbulent dancing show is only a vast illusion. I am happy to have acted both tragic and comic parts. Still, Father, give me now and then a few days of respite from my task!

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth, Yoga Philosophy

Following the Inner Star of God’s Presence

Dear Friend, We send you loving thoughts during this Christmas season. May you go deep in meditation and be filled with God’s joy. Paramhansa Yogananda told his disciples, “Christ is the joy felt in meditation. Christ is the perception realized in the deepest hours of silence.” Our Guru gave a wonderful explanation of the story of the three Wise Men … Read More