
Who Is My Guru?

Nayaswami Maria

Question from Bs: Almost a year ago I felt a huge urge to meet Amma, so I did and also had a mantra from her with instructions. After that meeting I have been “seeing” Christ and now feel that I want to follow His teachings, but am I than unfaithful with my Guru Amma? When I was on the gathering they said that…


Kriya Lineages

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Sukhmandeep Singh: Why there are so many lineages of Kriya yoga in India, everyone starting from Lahiri Mahasaya? Can one attain liberation through any of these lineages or is it specifically have to be Paramhansa Yogananda’s lineage? Shouldn’t I get initiated by a lineage having a living guru? Will all these lineages become like Christian denominations in future?


Where Can I Find My Guru?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Pulkit: I am a 19-year-old boy from Delhi and have decided that I will lead a spiritual life to fulfill the purpose of human life. I have no money and don’t know where to go to find a guru. I don’t want to do spirituality amid the material world. Please tell me where I can go to find a guru?


How to Worship the Guru Everywhere

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from A.: My Guru has asked me to move from having only my Guru as a link, toward having him in the formless energy of love, and also to feel it in other people and things. So my question is this — Is worshiping His creation, and the beings in it, the same as worshiping the Guru? Are they as much love…


Can My Guru Take Me Out of My Depression and Trouble?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from HEDDA HEYERDAHL: I am undergoing a very difficult time after a panchakarma that was too much for my body. I am having deep depression and anxiety . I have meditated for 25 years but this panchakarma completly exhausted me. I have undergone 3 months of hell. I have wanted to die. Slowly i am trying to meditate more and become attuned to…


Guru’s Guidance

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Pereha: Last night I had a vivid dream. I remember seeing my Guru. He was seated infront of me, and i asked him one exact question that had been on my mind for too long and bothering me. I don’t remember the response, but does this mean that I’m being guided out of the particular problem by Him? That He has…


Dreaming of a Guru

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Lalit Kumar: Last night I saw guru in saffron dress, maybe Guru Gorakhnath or Guru Balaknath. They addressed me. I am not understanding what is the whole dream meaning?


Questions about My Guru

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Haq/Hani: Please tell me is there any technique to know that my guru is happy with me or not and how can I see my guru in dream? I feel sometimes a very cool breeze on my body during meditation. What does it indicate? Thank you very much.


A Blessing from “The Answer” Movie

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Niraj: I saw the film, The Answer, after which I got a vision of Mahavtar Babaji in my dream. Could this be a blessing from Kriyanandaji? Did all direct disciples of Yoganandaji have his blessings? Has SRF and Ananda Sangha colloborated on any occasion?


Meditation and Devotion

Mary Kretzmann

Question from Rosemary Crawford: I do Hong Sau meditation daily very exactly. What I can hope for, as I don’t understand what to expect. I have tears but I don’t understand how it works within me. Would you encourage me with hope? I am 75 years but very alive with love & life. I have had deep depression intermittently. It’s illusion and I want…