Paramhansa Yogananda made many predictions about the outcome of World War II, which he based not upon an assessment of military strength or weakness but on the good or bad karma of the nations involved.

Early on during World War II, Yogananda predicted victory for America and her allies, despite Hitler’s military superiority. After the war ended, he explained that America’s good karma had protected not only America, but also England, Russia, Europe, and India.

Yogananda also said that the hidden purpose of World War II was the liberation of India and other third world countries from colonial domination. And in fact, shortly after the war, India gained its independence from England and in the years since, colonialism has all but disappeared from Africa and Asia.

Yogananda praised America for her defense of freedom, her generosity toward defeated nations after the war, and her ongoing good actions. He said that America’s dharmic actions created a great storehouse of good karma that would serve as her protection in the future. America, with its great power, had aligned itself with the forces of light and was the hope of the world.

However, the recent attacks on such an important center of commerce as the World Trade Center, and on the Pentagon, suggest a divine sign that America should change its priorities by living more consciously for God. The destruction of the plane seemingly headed for the White House could be taken as a sign of divine grace on the destiny of America.

Yogananda promised that God would watch over America, but He can do so more fully if we cling consciously and lovingly to Him.

From a recent talk


  1. Hello

    How can I receive a copy of Winter 2001 magazine?


    1. Hi, Alberto.
      Are you meaning for the Crystal Clarity magazine? We’ll search but not sure it’s still available. Are there specific things you’re seeking from that issue? Some of its content is likely to be online.
      Thank you!

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