
What is Metaphysics?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Kailash: What is Metaphysics?


Techniques to Attract Wealth


Question from Niraj: Its not that I have an intense craving for wealth as I have seen for my self that wealthy people also can be unhappy. But I do need a certain amount of finance as I am heavily dependent on my parents financially — a scenario which I am not liking as I don’t want to be a burden on them.…


Why Is There Suffering in God’s Dream?

Nayaswami Sadhana Devi

Question from Bhushan: If I ask you what would you like to dream you will tell me everything which is uplifting spiritually and gives you joy and bliss.According to Guruji this world is dream and we are made in the image of GOD than why GOD must be watching dream where its War,Terrorist attacks,Humilations,Quarrels,Legal battles,Sicjness,Poverty etc that too Yuga after Yuga.If we by…


Thoughts About Eye Contact

Nayaswami Sabari

Question from Cyril: Hi, If its not advisable to look into people eyes,due to subtle magnetic exchanges, how are we meant to relate at work with colleagues and not appear that you are shunning them by avoiding eye contact? Should we just minimize direct eye contact? On another note, there is a worldwide yoga group which I took part in few yearsago, which…


Using Meditation to Resolve Practical Problems

Nayaswami Seva

Question from Anon: I am in a peculiar situation and know not what to do. I was unhappy with my present job and was searching for a job for the past 1 year. There is no problem with my present org, its only that I do not enjoy what I am doing and cant ask for a change until June next year. My…


Meditation, Inferiority, Family

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from R: I would like to do meditation, tried to do it consistently many times but failed. What should I do? I always feel inferior to others, feels inadequate, insecure and tend to avoid social situations. I find it difficult to see the day to day struggles of my family members and easily gets upset. I think they are all “suffering” and…


A Spiritual Answer to Scientific Atheism

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from jon: dear ones Can you give your response to the following from Stephen Hawking who is quoted from his new book as saying, “Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist,” and “It is…

Raising Your Engergy to Meet Life’s Battles

Question from Cyril: Hi, Where does the Energy go when a person becomes ” withdrawn ” and feels like life is too much and its too difficult to fight the battle on good side. If its not being withdrawn into the deep spine where is it going? Is it shrinking in the base chakra or just trying to retreat back into infinite from…


When Exercising, What to Concentrate On

Nayaswami Gyandev

Question from Kumar: Is there any harm in concentrating on the breathing process while doing physical exercises such as gym? Aum Guru !


Getting Past Troublesome Attachments

Nayaswami Sabari

Question from ivan: i am experiencing a moment of extreme delusion and i would like some answers as to how can i overcome this delusion. i do not have a problem with sharing my money with others; in fact, i am quite generous, but i am experiencing difficulties with being able to share my new car. just at the mere thought of sharing…