Video and Audio

"They Have Heard Thy Name", A Translated Bengali Chant

Ramesha Nani
May 28, 2020

A moving traditional Bengali song, translated as "They Have Heard Thy Name", was originally shared in the West by Paramhansa Yogananda.
Enjoy this chanting by talented Ananda musician Ramesha Nani.

They have heard Thy name, the blind halt and lame. (2)
They have come to Thy door, Lord, they have come to Thy door;
Give them an audience, Lord.

They have heard Thy name, the blind halt and lame. (2)
Those who are in despair, wipe Thou their tears! (2)
They have come to Thy door, Lord, they have come to Thy door;
Give them an audience, Lord.

They have heard Thy name, the blind halt and lame. (2)
Those who are drowned in sin, to whom will they go? (2)
They have no one, Lord, they have no one;
Do not turn them away.

"It’s a heartfelt prayer asking God to give comfort to those who are suffering. I feel this message is particularly relevant at this time of world pandemic, when so many are struggling with physical illness, financial uncertainty, and despair. I find it especially interesting that this particular chant is the one that inspired me to record this whole album (long before there was any inkling of a world crisis)! Heart opening, uplifting music like this can be a tremendous help at this time, giving hope and inspiration to many who are suffering. It’s my great joy to share this song with you now! I hope you enjoy it." --Ramesha

From the album 'Breeze of Bliss'