It was April of 1996, and Swami Kriyananda was visiting Dallas. He gave presentations at Unity Church and at a holistic fair, and visited with the members of our beautiful Ananda church in Texas. I remember how lovingly Swami took time to be with us informally in the evenings and after Sunday service, even though he was committed to speak at events during the day.

A few days before Swami arrived, I was asked if I would accompany him on the guitar when he sang his song, Peace, during his presentation at Unity. I said nervously, Me?? Play guitar with Swamiji? On Stage at Unity? You must be kidding! I wanted to say yes, how my nerves tried to get the best of me!

I practiced over and over, trying to get the timing and picking perfect to go with his beautiful song. When the evening came, Swamiji arrived early, while the choir was still practicing on stage. On hearing the choir, he remarked sweetly, You all sound like angels! Then it was time to practice Peace. My stomach felt so queasy. Swami smiled as I walked onto the stage. We chatted a few moments, then talked about the music. I was full of questions about the timing, the number of counts between verses, whether was it better to strum or pick the guitaron and on.

He politely and calmly suggested answers to my concerns, then we practiced the song just once! Swami seemed to sense my nervousness, because he said, Tune in to the vibration of the song, Sue, and you’ll do just fine. And so it happened that night. It was more than just fine. As Swamiji talked and sang for the hundreds of people whod come to hear his presentation, the beauty and peace in the auditorium was incredible. There was no more nervousness within me, only joy and calmness and peace. Swami was radiant, and I know it was divine grace coming through him that helped me tune in to his holy vibration and play the guitar.

I will never forget this opportunity that was given to me: to be with Swamiji while he sang a song that has touched the hearts of so many; to play the guitar beside Swamiji for whom I have much respect, and who always exemplifies humility and peace. I am grateful to be a part of this spiritual family called Ananda. I am grateful that Swami Kriyananda has acted selflessly for so many years and continues to be a channel for Divine Grace.

Sue Chadwick

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