
Proper practice of Energization Exercises

Nayaswami Seva

Question from Tony: recently I have been practicing energization with concentrtion and will alone. I am not physically tensing but sending energy mentally only. Is this practice in line with masters teachings? It does feel to me that it is.


Chakras and the Eight Aspects of God

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Fox Hutt: Do the 8 aspects of God correlate with the chakras? I have read that the throat chakra is associated with calmness, so I wondered if the other 7 are associated with other chakras. Thank you!


How to develop intuition

Nayaswami Anandi

Question from Shailesh: I have read many times about intutive guidance in articles of our line of gurus and about meditating on problems to seek solutiion. How to use it? Can you send me methodology/article on the way to do this.


The effort is well worth it

Nayaswami Shivani

Question from dhruv kalra: why it is important to seek god. is it worth the tremendous life long effort — of renunciation. i am almost finishing the reading of ‘ An autobiography of a yogi’.Is it possible to seek divine blessings ,by an accompolished yogi , to remove from the earth poverty,decease ignorance just in one stroke-as it appears to have been done- in…



Nayaswami Gyandev

Question from Eric Elbers: I recently reread ABY and was struck how different the non-violence message of Mahatma Gandhi is from Krishna’s instruction to Arjuna in the BG that it is his duty to fight evil. To fight or not to fight evil, that is the question. I would be interested to hear your opinion how these opposing spiritual viewpoints might be reconciled. Sincerely,…


Anguish and remorse

Nayaswami Anandi

Question from Devotee: May I ask a question? How do I offer up the remorse and anguish to Yogananda or God? How do I see God as the Doer of both good and bad actions? So I can tell myself it’s actually God who did it? I’m deeply grateful — how much you care to help devotees like me.


Overwhelmed by information

Nayaswami Seva

Question from warren wagner: I thought I was practicing meditation until I started the Meditation course. There is so much information here on this sight that I FIND my head spinning . I am like so many that I let my thoughts control me. Amazing what the mind can come up with. I like the thought that the breath is like the ocean waves…


Fear of others’ opinions

Nayaswami Anandi

Question from Ashwin: Hello,I am struggling with the fear of dealing with disapproval from others, particularly those people at my work place. I have been practicing Kriya yoga and meditation for almost three years now, and still I have not yet succeeded in overcoming this paralyzing Fear! In fact I am terribly afraid to even slightly reveal my spiritual side to my co…


Energization Exercises

Nayaswami Seva

Question from Sandy: My husband and I were doing the Energization Exercises until we went to a Ananda service. We knew a lot of the exercises, was wondering if there is a CD to show how to do these.?


How to become a minister

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from India Alexis: I am a long time devotee and kriyaban with Ananda. I lived in Ananda Sacramento for four years. In all these years, I never really knew the requirements for becoming an Ananda minister. I am only curious. I do NOT feel qualified to be on any of your levels :-). I started an Ananda meditation group in Brooklyn and people…