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Sex & Yoga

In today’s marketplace of sexuality, traditional exhortations to celibacy or self-control are lost in the plethora of opinions, lifestyle choices, and the insistence of personal freedom. Therefore this subject is not a popular one and perhaps the best that can be offered in these times is the twofold suggestion to: 1) be present and conscious, and 2) be respectful and … Read More

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Negative Entity? Ask a Yogi

Negativity whether from an incarnate or disincarnate entity invites prayer as a response. Here are some suggestions for psychic protection for yourself or others. (By Nayaswami Hriman)

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How to Prepare for Death (and Life!)

Those of deep concentration such as meditators, artists, scientists and devotees become accustomed to the rarified atmosphere of the mind and energy body. They thus function more completely in the non-material realm of the after-death astral world. Lack of memory and inability to concentrate are veritable plagues in today’s world. What did Paramhansa Yogananda tell us about the after-death world?

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Mental Restlessness in Meditation: Ask a Yogi!

This is a big subject with many anecdotes and suggestions possible. A few offered here include one’s motivation for meditation; the role of the heart; the practice of mindfulness during activity; focusing at the spiritual eye, to name a few. (by Nayaswami Hriman)

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Are You “Spiritual but not Religious?”

There are very good reasons why this self-identified group keeps growing. But there is a downside to this choice because the people we hang out with comprise the most important influence in our life. It can be easier to say “I’m spiritual” but much harder to manifest the commitment needed to demonstrate it. In this complex world full of competing … Read More

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Perfection in Divine Love

In human love, we seek security, comfort, and loving acceptance. No matter how successful we are in achieving these goals (and how few do), at death “we do part.” Life’s ebbs and flows guarantee that even when we feel secure, we are ignoring the fact that we never know what is coming. And the rest of the time we already … Read More

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Do You Need a Personal Savior?

Do you need a personal savior? How often have I heard this from “die-hard” Christians? What if they’re right (almost)? If so, why? The first sentence of Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramhansa Yogananda states “The characteristic features of Indian culture have long been a search for ultimate verities and the concomitant disciple-guru relationship.”

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Should I Drop Out? Ask a Yogi!

A young man asks whether his aspiration to live a spiritual life means he should not bother with college, marriage, family and career? I faced this question in the late 60’s and see many young people facing this question now as well.

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How to Meditate if Unwell?

Someone wrote to me to ask how to meditate while having a cold? I had just got over one myself so I thought to share some thoughts. “Tis the season!”

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Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Weekly Wisdom of Yogananda

Paramhansa Yogananda’s famous life story, Autobiography of a Yogi, describes the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali in two of the chapters: Chapter 7 and Chapter 26. Yogananda mentions three of the core insights offered by Patanjali: the now famous 8-Fold Path of (Ashtanga) Raja Yoga; the pithy but powerful definition of the state of “yoga-union”; and the importance of communing with … Read More