Why Does God Permit Suffering? Part 3 – Prod to Pride

In Part 3, we discuss how the individual can respond to challenges and suffering from the viewpoint of the soul. It may be said that what happens to us is the result of our own actions: our past karma. But that is both hard to take and even harder to prove (usually). More important is how we respond in the … Read More

Past Memories

How important are past life memories? What can I do to distill the importance of their appearance in my thoughts and mind? We have lived countless lives. Memories are therefore beyond measure. If an image, memory of flashback has a meaning meditation can help us distill their message. But most probably do not. (Talk by Nayaswami Hriman)

What is the Best Diet? Ask a Yogi

It is too easy to make your diet a religion. Yogananda encouraged us to employ the traditional vegetarian diet but overall “proper eatarianism” suggests a diet that suits your body’s needs and temperament.

Is it Too Late to Reform?

A person feels he has not lived a good life and wonders if it’s too late to reform. Looking around and seeing young people already on the spiritual path, he is discouraged about whether trying to become spiritual will have an impact on his past unspiritual actions. (By Nayaswami Hriman)

Experiences in Meditation

A person writes to describe a wonderful experience she had in meditation. What does it mean and how should I relate to this? With Nayaswami Hriman McGilloway

Was Jesus a Revolutionary?

Those who thought Jesus was a revolutionary during his life had little or no idea of just HOW revolutionary Jesus really was. And so too are all of the great saints and avatars down through the ages. As Jesus initiated a new covenant consisting of a personal relationship with God so Paramhansa Yogananda has brought a new dispensation in HOW … Read More

Did Jesus Die for Our Sins?

What is the true meaning of the crucifixion of Jesus for you and I? No doubt Jesus’ sacrifice was real and no doubt it bestowed powerful blessings of forgiveness and grace upon those close to him but there is a deeper and more practical understanding of the meaning of his crucifixion than the convenient one that he died for our … Read More

Sex & Yoga

In today’s marketplace of sexuality, traditional exhortations to celibacy or self-control are lost in the plethora of opinions, lifestyle choices, and the insistence of personal freedom. Therefore this subject is not a popular one and perhaps the best that can be offered in these times is the twofold suggestion to: 1) be present and conscious, and 2) be respectful and … Read More