Video and Audio

Sacred Stillness - Ananda Village, California

March 11, 2024

I love the sacred routines of life at Ananda Village, here in California and last summer in Italy. Most days, I attend 6:30 am & 4:45pm energization exercises/ yoga and meditation before meals. Can you see the symbolism in the video that my spinning wheels are still very active? 🙂 I’m appreciating all the meditation and Raja Yoga philosophy classes too. There is prayer and chanting throughout the day, even during our karma yoga service shifts. And Sundays, there’s a purification ceremony before Sunday Service. I included a bit of that in this video (read more below). We write down something we’re ready to let go of and burn it after receiving a blessing from one of the ministers. Enjoy this 3rd glimpse of life at the The Expanding Light Retreat.

Purification ceremony: “Two Sanskrit mantras are repeated seven times during the fire ceremony. Sanskrit is an ancient, vibrational language that is infused with spiritual power.

Gayatri Mantra – this mantra is for enlightenment Om bhur bhuva swah Om tat savitur varenyam Bhargo devasya dhimahi Dhiyo yo nah prachodayat Om

Translation: We meditate on the Supreme Light of the three universes. May It enlighten our consciousness. Ghee (clarified butter) is offered into the fire at the end of each repetition. The ghee is symbolic of our pure aspiration to be changed and transformed.

Mahamrityunjaya Mantra – this mantra is for liberation Om triambakam yajamahe Sugundhim pushti vardhanam Urvarukameva bhandhanam Mrityor mokshia mamritat Om

Translation: We worship that One of divine vision who nourishes all living beings. May He free us from death and grant us immortality. Rice is offered into the fire at the end of each repetition. The rice is symbolic of the seeds of karma, burned up and purified in the flame of divine light.”

Thank you, Dominique Hurley!