Clarity Magazine, Happiness

Feast on Joy

The natural food for the mind is joy, and we’re always hungry until we find the ability to feast on that joy.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

AUM: Stories of Protection

When you feel worried or anxious, call on HOLY AUM. Pray believing in its sovereignty over matter. Remember always Yogananda’s promise: “When you are in the consciousness of AUM, nothing can touch you.”

Clarity Magazine, Daily Life

How Your Brain Cooperates with Personal Change

Scientific evidence shows that your brain will cooperate with whatever goals you set, even if your goals seem well beyond your present capabilities. The brain doesn’t recognize limits.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

A Guidepost for the Aspiring Saint

Just as my meditations have deepened from focused repetition of the poem, so also has my ability to gain insights into any dilemma or problem I might be facing.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

The Wishing Tree

When standing beneath the almighty wishing tree of your will power, always be careful to wish for good things.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

Should You Ever Cut Corners with the Truth?

When we are truthful, we have support from reality itself—from the universe. And with that support, everything will always come out for the best. But without it, things cannot but fall apart, sooner or later.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Community, Spiritual Growth

Letters of Encouragement: How to Share Truth

That is what teaching should mean—not telling people what they should do or know, but offering the fruits of one’s own living in the humble hope that what one says will in some way prove useful in their lives.

Clarity Magazine, Daily Life

Book Review: An Attitude of Spiritual Adventurousness

The reader is left at the end with the question, “Will you [the reader] learn to go beyond time and space, beyond ego, into true freedom and bliss?”