Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

Six Reasons We Let Up in Our Spiritual Efforts

On the spiritual path, we don’t tread water. We’re either moving forward or backward. Very few on the spiritual path say outright, “I will not fight.” We don’t say, “I give up.” What we say in effect is, “I let up,” meaning, “I’m not going to try as hard.”

Clarity Magazine, Divine Love

Precious Moments with My Guru

Master said, “I could walk on fire and fill every auditorium with curiosity-seekers, but what good would that do? People need to love God.”

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

Step Outside Your Normal Time Frame

What’s important here is that it’s possible to adjust our concept of time to our actual needs. We can narrow time, or expand it.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

Meeting Challenges with Right Attitude: Five-and Forty-Year Perspectives

Dhyan and I were working with the thought, “The things that happen to us do not matter; what we become through them does.” When we finished, we looked at each other and one of us said, “I think we got it right this time.”

Clarity Magazine, Health and Healing

The Healing Dance

I had seen Divine Mother in moments of beauty and joy. Now She was showing me that even in my darkest moments, She remained with me. I didn’t need to hide anything because, in Her great compassion, She loved me unconditionally.

Clarity Magazine, Health and Healing, Spirituality and Nature

Nature: The Great Healer

Bharat invites us all to reconnect with the natural world and to share our connection with others. From a profound immersion in the natural world, the reader comes to the highest purpose of nature awareness—the experience of the still, joyful center of his own being.

Clarity Magazine, Happiness

Humor: A Smile a Day

There is no better panacea for sorrow, no better reviving tonic, and no greater beauty than a genuine smile. —Paramhansa Yogananda