Clarity Magazine, Spirituality and Science

Dwapara Healing: Laughter, Meditation, and Attunement

If I could choose only a single piece of advice to give to the followers of Paramhansa Yogananda on how to stay healthy and well, I would say attunement with the Guru is the most important thing because everything else will flow from that attunement.

Clarity Magazine, Parenting and Education, Spiritual Growth

The Taming of Sascha

Here I was, trying to be a peace-loving, sixties-style hippie, but my reception committee was a canine cat killer and a racist. I put the word out about Sascha. John in particular I warned, asking him please to let me know whenever he was coming over.

Clarity Magazine, Daily Life

The Life of an Avatar

Yogananda described himself as manifesting, in particular, the divine qualities of joy, love and wisdom. A quality less frequently recognized as divine is power. “Paramhansa Yogananda: A Biography” is perhaps among accounts of Yogananda’s life unique as a testament to his divine power.

Clarity Magazine, Happiness

Humor: A Smile a Day

There is no better panacea for sorrow, no better reviving tonic, and no greater beauty than a genuine smile. —Paramhansa Yogananda

Clarity Magazine, Divine Love

Prayer Demand: Save Me from Wrong Beliefs

I am lost, Father, in the wastelands of wrong beliefs. Where is my home? I have kept the doors of my soul always open, expecting Thee. Ah! I have not yet found Thee. Rise high in the sky to illuminate my darkness: Be the Polestar to my searching mind, directing me to Thyself. For therein, I know, lies my home! … Read More