Out of the Labyrinth

Out of the Labyrinth

The last hundred years of scientific and philosophical thought have caused dramatic upheavals in how we view our universe, our spiritual beliefs, and ourselves.

A Place Called Ananda

A Place Called Ananda

This book shows that small communities of individuals seeking a new way of living can provide a model for the present age.

The Promise of Immortality

The Promise of Immortality

Destined to become a classic, this is the most complete commentary available on parallel passages from the Bible and India’s ancient scripture, The Bhagavad Gita.

Reflections on Living

Reflections on Living

Enter the lives of a small group of people who helped shape the evolution of one of America’s foremost spiritual communities, dedicated to yoga and the search for the Divine.

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam Explained

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam Explained

Omar Khayyam’s famous poem, The Rubaiyat, is loved by Westerners as a hymn of praise to sensual delights. In the East, his quatrains enjoy a very different reputation . . .

Rays of the One Light

Rays of the One Light

Parallel passages from the Bible and the Bhagavad Gita reveal a single unified teaching. East meets West and theological barriers tumble. Two scriptures become one Truth.

Shaped by Saints

Shaped by Saints

Devi Mukherjee worked with Mahatma Gandhi in the Indian resistence movement against British rule. After his release from prison, Devi began a spiritual quest throughout India.

The Land of Golden Sunshine

The Land of Golden Sunshine

This intensely affecting spiritual parable of the soul’s journey is a poetic treasure, cherished by thousands of readers over many years.


Mystic Harp Songbook

Contains 18 selected music pieces from Derek Bell’s The Mystic Harp and Mystic Harp 2, arranged for Celtic harp or keyboard.