In times of turmoil whether throughout the world or personally, accepting what simply is can be challenging. On the spiritual path, I am taught to be patient, be open-minded, and take one small step in front of the other.

I can only speak from my personal experience. I often share some things I have been through or am experiencing at the moment. Accepting what is has been a big lesson for me for a long time now; one I am still learning.

It was not until about a year ago that somehow I started to be more aware that there are some things I just cannot change and therefore, there are two options I am confronted with:

1.  To suffer from the fact that I don’t like how things are going and can’t change them
2.  To accept it (whatever “it” may be)

Mysteriously enough, once I accept what is in front of me, not only do I feel freer but I start seeing the options I do have within that circumstance, and sooner or later something shifts. That which seemed a challenge or an unwanted situation in the beginning, becomes a fluid process. A process that I can be open to enjoy without focusing on how many small steps I still have in front of me but focusing on the present moment, knowing that what I do have is the choice to be happy now. The journey now stops being the means to get to a destination and the way I experience the journey becomes my “state of mind destination.”

Now, I need tools to help me remember all of this along the way. What are these tools? Yes, meditation is Number 1. However, we can’t only be angels during our meditation practice. We need to be able to shift our awareness at any given moment—while we work, study, connect with our family and work colleagues, and so on.

Find your set of tools that help you remember to be happy now! Maybe it is going on a walk in nature, listening to inspiring music, a reading you enjoy from your own path, or a teacher that inspires you.

Here is a helpful affirmation you can repeat mentally anytime during the day:

“I accept with calm impartiality whatever comes my way. Free in my heart, I am not conditioned by any outward circumstance.”

Wishing you a joyful journey!

Original Post: Accepting What Is, May 28, 2021,


  1. Yes! Exactly. I was just here feeling this exact thing a few hours ago, funny enough. While I was teaching Ananda Yoga on Wednesday nights, In Baddha Konasana, I repeated the affirmation to the class; you may know it well “Secure in my(Self), I accept whatever is” this affirmation is true spiritual strength. That asana is uncomfortable for most, its a very tight area; inner thighs tend to be stiff, but like life, if we accept whatever may come, especially so when things are “stiff,” it reveals the grit and devotion of a devotee, that feeling, “Secure in Thy Self.”

  2. Thank you for the reminder of this vital aspect of spiritual growth.

    Much appreciated

  3. Indeed. I believe this and already practicing a meditation and affirmations to initiate this process. I realized that this ‘acceptance’ is a continous process anshas been enjoying my journey till then.

  4. Thank you for the touch of light and words of wisdom, Nandadevi <3

  5. such a good reminder, but as we know hard to do. Thank you for inspiring me to be happy no matter what comes my way

  6. blank

    Love this! One of my favorite affirmations, which I often say along with another of Swami Kriyananda’s Affirmations for Self-Healing: “I welcome everything that comes to me as an opportunity for further growth.”

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