“I am what I am; wishing cannot change me. Let me therefore face my faults with gratitude, for only by facing them can I work on them, and change them.”

(from Affirmations for Self-Healing by Swami Kriyananda)

A Flower by Any Other Name

by Nayaswami Pushpa

Ananda Village, in addition to being my spiritual home on earth, is a haven for flower photographers. I am one of them! Over the years I have taken thousands of photographs. Swami was always very supportive and encouraging. He said the flowers “talked” to me.An open pink Lotus flower

I had requested by email a meeting with Swami, and in that message I mentioned that I would like to have a spiritual name. When we met he didn’t bring up the topic, and I was tempted to just leave it be, for regarding that request I had come to a place of acceptance. Suddenly, he said enthusiastically, “Pushpa. Do you like it? It means ‘flower.’” Of course I loved it because of its significance to me, but most importantly because Swami had given me the name.

Most of my gurubhais who have spiritual names, have ones that represent gods, goddesses, or spiritual attributes on which they could focus. How could I use this precious gift to expand spiritually? I spent many months searching for inspiration. Finally, an answer came to me. Swami had written a song in the early days of Ananda called “Channels.” One of the verses referred to flowers and their qualities. Now I had something I could work with!

Flowers so soft and fragile
stay fragrant though pressed to the ground.
May we thus learn forbearance, for in kindness love is found.

I reflected on the first two lines and I came to the conclusion that it was possible to be open (not defensive or guarded) and remain sweet, even when I felt I was being crushed by life. I focused on fully listening to what others were saying, and not allowing myself to start mentally rebutting or defending.

The third line reminded me of the instruction God had given to Sister Gyanamata  (Yogananda’s foremost woman disciple) when she had had to face challenging karma:

Endure what I shall send. That will be enough.”

Introspection, as well as patient self-control, was necessary. I endeavored to live by one of Gyanamata’s axioms: “What comes of itself, let it come. For what is yours will surely come to you.” In other words: accept everything as coming from God, and remain even-minded and cheerful under all circumstances. That is the way to freedom.

“Let me not delude myself with desires, Lord. Teach me to see behind the play of my thoughts Thy ever-calm gaze of wisdom.”

(from Affirmations for Self-Healing by Swami Kriyananda)

Directional Psychology

a talk by Swami Kriyananda


by Nayaswami Pushpa

Yogananda said: “At the end of each day you should sit down for a few minutes and review the day.” Say to yourself, “In the battlefield of today’s life, who won—my good or my negative tendencies? What have I learned? What have I seen? Am I more joyful today than I was yesterday? If not, what can I do to change that?”

Ask these questions sincerely. Be honest as you look at your shortcomings, and be willing to take action as inwardly guided. How do you know if you are winning the “battle”?

Some of the signs of victory are:

  • an inner expansion of happiness and freedom.
  • an expansion of consciousness. 
  • an expansion of sympathy.
  • an inner calmness.

As they say in India, Yato dharma, sthato jaya: “Where there is adherence to right attitude and action, there is victory.”


  1. Both topics so very timely and significant for me… Thank for sharing… AUM, peace, namaste <3

  2. Dear Pushpa, what a beautiful telling. Thank you so much for your wise words and your sharing of your name’s source with subsequent blessings. Love and Joy, your brother on the path.

  3. Beautiful reminders, thank you for the inspiration and for the channels quote, “May we thus learn forbearance, for in kindness love is found.”

  4. Thank you Pushpa, for sharing your wisdom. I have enjoyed reading your posts!

  5. This is moving and deep. Thank you so much for sharing.

  6. You have a real knack for writing heartfelt letters, Pushpa. An uplifting treat for the soul- a Touch of Light in it’s own right. Thanks for sharing 🌷

  7. Authentic living is powerful. Share one thing you’ve discovered about yourself recently – let’s celebrate those self-discoveries together.

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