Groundbreaking CeremonyWe just finished a beautiful groundbreaking ceremony for Swami Kriyananda’s Moksha Mandir. This lovely building, the final resting place for his mortal remains, will be a place of meditation and inspiration for thousands who will visit here.

Many stories about Swamiji were recounted, but this is the one that touched me the most.

About a year before his passing, Swamiji returned to India, stiff and sore after the long flight. A friend suggested that he have a massage from a therapist who had come to our Gurgaon ashram a few times. After the treatment Swamiji suggested that it would be easier for the young man if he were to use a massage table rather than leaning over the bed.

The man replied, “Yes, sir, it would be better, but I have a wife and young children and have no extra money for such purchases. As it is, I am working two different jobs.”

Swamiji said, “I would be happy to buy the table for you.”

Greatly surprised by such an offer from someone he had only just met, the man protested, “Oh, sir, they are very expensive.” Swamiji asked how much, and, when the young man gave an estimate, told him to find one and he would pay for it.

Returning the next day, the man timidly told Swamiji that the actual price was nearly twice as much as he had estimated. Swamiji insisted that he still wanted to buy it, and asked that the bill be sent to him.

As the young man left the ashram, he was weeping. He told one of the members that he was an orphan and had grown up on the streets of Delhi having to fend for himself. All his life there had been an ache in his heart. He said, “I have prayed to God to let me feel the love of a father. Today, my prayer has been answered, and finally I know that God loves me.”

Swamiji demonstrated many divine qualities for us, but kindness to strangers was among his sweetest. He was also supremely unattached to money, which he saw as belonging to Divine Mother.

swami-bustWe, too, can be such a channel for the Divine simply by choosing to be. Here is a small challenge: God will come to you today, as someone, perhaps a stranger, who is in need of a kind word or act. Be watchful for Him hidden in that form. Then give Him kindness and love. Doing so might change someone’s whole life. It might be yours.

In God’s love,
Nayaswami Jyotish


  1. I was touched by the story of the massage table given to the stranger by Swamiji. Such a beautiful reply from the stranger who by feeling the love from Swamiji, also then knew the love God had for him.

  2. Thank you for being! Although my family never got to meet Swami, the legacy of his Loving heart surely has touched ours by the friends he left. It is truly a gift to live in the Ananda Portland community and a pleasure to grow daily in our service to the Vision of Parmhansa Yogananda. Wishing you endless joy.
    Paula, Starlynn, and Chris Ogden

  3. How moving was this occurrence! Would that we all emulate such kindness to others, as opportunities arise to do so. But more importantly, in being blessed by kindness that there is a deeper meaning and energy which is transferred to the recipient. I loved this weekly letter! Blessings to all at Ananda Sangha!

  4. I felt a surge of blissful energy in my spine, as I read the story. I can now imagine how much more blissful it would be by doing an act of kindness with the right attitude.
    Thank you for sharing.

  5. Thank you Dear Nayaswami Jyotish . Swamiji is like a father guiding us and showing us the right path to walk .

  6. The legacy of Swamiji is truly the energy and kindness he showed to all he touched. True giving in the work which will give us pause to continue in our ensuing generations. A pure, clean tribute embued in this Love is most heartening. Thank you for sharing Jyotishji.

  7. Dearest Jyotish,
    Thank you for this generous reminder of Sanatan Dharma in action. Swamiji is ever present in your words and deeds. Thank you for your kindness in choosing to be (along with Devi) our Spiritual Director(s) at Ananda. Ever time I hear you speak, I am lifted. My heart opens and joy enters, reminding me that we are all family in God.
    ~~~Peace, Josette

  8. Once again you, Jyotish, & Swamiji’s story have touched my heart and give me the encouragement to reach out and share the many kindnesses, the Love & the Joy that Master & Divine Mother have so many times given to me. Thank you again & again!

  9. Dear Jyotish,
    Thankyou for sharing the beautiful story about Swami Ji. Thankyou and Devi for touching our lives!

  10. Thank you,for telling the story,it was a blessings to hear the story,and tells us to pass on that kindness.
    Love ,Blessings

  11. Yes, indeed! a very beautiful story….. Thank you so much for sharing….
    Many Blessings..

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