Recently a friend was sharing her story with us. Her long-term marriage had ended with the sudden death of her husband, and she was being tested on many levels at the same time. Her financial security had vanished, her health had deteriorated, and it seemed that her whole world was under attack. We could do little but listen quietly and send her our love.

Why devotees suffer by Jyotish Novak. Painting by Jyotish Novak

“Out of the Mist” by Nayaswami Jyotish

Sometimes it’s relatively easy to see why a person has drawn a karmic lesson: It’s clear that they need to correct wrong attitudes and poor behaviors. But in this case, there seemed to be little apparent cause for such a level of challenge. She was a fine person, a longtime spiritual seeker who expressed a very uplifted consciousness, even during this tsunami of misfortune.

Over the years I’ve noticed a similar pattern in other sincere devotees, and have come to understand it in this way: When someone is close to finishing off their karma in a particular area, Divine Mother sends them an exaggerated test, which cauterizes the subconscious. The blow is so strong, and the lesson driven so deeply into the soul memory, that they never need to face that delusion again.

If we are ready, after countless lifetimes, to accept the fact that our strength and happiness come only from within, then we may attract the grace of having EVERYTHING taken away. Our non-attachment must be proven. When we are ready to offer ourselves unreservedly into God’s light, we are a mere step from merging in Him.

To face squarely a powerful lesson, such as our friend was experiencing, takes great soul readiness. How do we prepare ourselves for something like this? In large part it is by being grateful for whatever comes our way. When a test comes, accept it, and cultivate the habit of asking that the lesson be complete. Sometimes we need to be a spiritual warrior and mentally say, “Bring it on, God, and let’s finish this.”

This is what Jesus Christ meant when he said, “But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also.”

We are on the threshold of true wisdom when we understand that everything that comes to us is an expression of God’s love. We are children who sometimes play with fire. If our Mother removes the flame to prevent us from being burned, let’s not cry in outrage, but reach up our arms in childlike love. Then, as a beautiful chant promises, She will receive us on Her lap.

In loving acceptance,
Nayaswami Jyotish

In times of challenge, you may find this affirmation of gratitude by Nayaswami Jyotish to be a comfort.


  1. Jyotish,
    Thank you for this post. It’s so beautiful and an incredible help. The affirmation from 2002 is life-changing. It has changed my life alredy because between the inspiration from your previous post and this one, I was prompted to write a small poem. I started this after reading your previous post and finished it after reading this one. Issue of quality aside, I offer it here to show my gratitude for the inspiration that your posts brought me. It’s been many deecades since I was wanted to write something down to reflect appreciation of some new understanding. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I feel like someone who had drowned but is now learning to breathe again. I breathe better now that I have read that affirmation.
    Where is Joy?
    True joy lives only within
    and cleanses the soul and roots out sin.
    For sin means seeking joy without
    and that search leads ever to doubt.
    But bliss and love soak every part
    when we meet all with grateful heart,
    remembering each moment we may see
    God’s pathway back to Him can be.
    AUM AUM AUM, joy to all

    1. Thanks jyotishji , just what I needed , going through this massive storm, will try to hold fast till this blizzard passes away .I pray to god and gurus to help me b strong and face this believing,”and this too shall pass” .Regards asha

  2. God is Love. Sometimes I marvel at the intricate karmic web that connects us to each other. I feel very sorry for your friend, but her episode has touched me in Australia. As the sole income earner for my family, it has jolted me into looking after my health and putting in place income streams that will outlive me. I have hugged my wife and children and remembered to appreciate my short time on this earth with their love. Your friend’s loss has spread God’s love in our family. I expect her husband has finished his karmic journey in this life and likely learned the lessons he needs to evolve further in spiritual union. You said you friend is a strong spiritual devotee; hence it seems God is asking her to take action in this life. She has touched my life; so maybe God is giving her a new direction to touch the lives of others. God bless her.

  3. Beautiful, Jyotish, simply beautiful. It certainly has been a part of my experience this time around. Very powerful and true. Thank you again.

  4. I thought that in this context, the image of Divine Mother taking away the flame that we often play with is particularly striking. When She is heaping trouble upon trouble on us, we so often feel that She’s actually placing us in the fire! Yet it is not only when She takes away something clearly negative from our grasp that She is protecting us, but also when She takes away something that could reasonably be considered positive. To keep the image you present at the forefront of our minds during all times–hard and easy–is so clarifying, fortifying, and comforting.

  5. mm

    Dearest Sri Jyotish,
    This is perfect for me at this time. The interior battle seems to be where the suffering is the greatest.
    here is a prayer that I’ve practiced at repeating almost daily for many years now. “Thank you God for everything
    you have given me, for everything you have taken away and for everything you have left me.” It has brought much
    solace to me in times of trial. Thank you for the wisdom you pay one dear friend! May you continue to fly on the
    Wings of God and Guru’s Grace Jyotish and may Swamiji’s presence fill your heart today!

  6. Stage spiritual direction. It is comforting to know, despite appearances, there is One permanent force in my life, Divine Mother.

  7. This is so comforting at this time as we are definitely challenged with the situation with Vajra. I saw an over arching outpouring of love since his accident. I am sure Divine Mother is with him as I write this, but the spiritual connection we are experiencing due to this situation has helped me realize how much good has also come out of this. My faith in God is strengthened and my internal Peace has grown an extra notch.
    Jyotishji, this is such a beautiful post. Thank you.

  8. mm

    Thank you Jyotishji! I am apparently not alone in needing to hear and comprehend this wisdom, once again, at this time.
    May Master’s Blessings continue to pour on you and Devi!
    Prem Das

  9. Thank you for the gentle reminder. Perfect timing, as usual! Sometimes it iis so easy to be the spiritual warrior doing battle against these karmic tests. But when we can surrender and fully place our lives in God’s hands, we sail easily through the storms, enfolded in grace.

  10. Thank you, Dear Jyotish.
    Needed to hear just this.
    Being a spiritual warrior isn’t quite so terrifying when one has guiding lights like you to put things in perspective. I still tremble at the thought of throwing that challenge to God to ‘bring it on’, but am reassured to know that I am accelerating the process of “finishing this”.
    Loving Pranaams!

  11. Wow, Jyotish, thanks — that puts things in perspective.

  12. My thanks to Daiva Glazzard for sharing your words with our Portland Community so they came to my attention. I thank you for your work in the world and your uplifting message. Just yesterday I really had a moment of wondering if I should just give up, if I was delusional to think I can make things work on the human level and last evening I was talking with a friend here, both of us wondering what we are doing “wrong” despite our best efforts to live rightly yet failing so much through our humanness. Sometimes it IS our thinking and decisions, but at times even that knowledge leaves me feeling hopeless, that I have failed this time and why not just wait until the next life since I just can’t seem to “get it” this time?
    I have made so mistakes as a human and am doing my best to face this squarely, deal with the consequences of my errors and other challenges are presenting themselves right when I think I am turning a corner… okay, now I kinda see the pattern, just when I think something outside of me is going to make me happy…. but sometimes it would nice not to worry every single day…oh … that’s what meditation is for…. why do I resist it so?
    No one did this to me, not even God. There are days I really regret my misguided thinking, emotional immaturity, spiritually immature choices. I do believe my soul is being burned with lessons it will not repeat yet there are days that knowledge is small comfort as I struggle to keep it together in mundane terms. I try not to indulge this thinking much but it does happen.
    Your words make so much sense and have truly lifted me and recharged me to meet these challenges without feeling I have failed or am being punished for past lives. I appreciate the affirmation and the reminder that having an comfortable life is not a given nor a promise even when we are devoted seekers. Why do I think it is?? I am grateful to have the opportunity to view these losses as gains through a truthful, compassionate, and grounded spiritual perspective.
    And my prayers for Vajra M and for his many beloved friends continue. Bless you all. He is such a wonderful soul and I feel compassion for you who are close to him and surely miss his smile.

  13. Gives explanations for why am I going through any difficult situation. So that my subconscious memory program can be changed. Very helpful.

  14. Dear Nayaswami Jyotish Ji,
    Thank you for sharing this lovely article.

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