How to Awaken Your True Potential

Yogananda rouses you to awaken your true nature, beginning by looking at the habits that hold you back and how best to change them.

Mahavatar Babaji Website

The story of the sage who revived the science of Kriya Yoga — as revealed by Lahiri Mahasaya, Paramhansa Yogananda, and other saints.

Ananda Yoga® Retreats

Whatever your age or body type, we can guide you into poses to help you feel relaxed, revitalized, and uplifted.

Wisdom of Yogananda Series Retreats

Yogananda, the first yoga master to make his home in the United States, brought the West the scientific, non-sectarian tools of yoga: techniques to focus energy, and bring inner peace and soul-satisfying fulfillment.

Finding Happiness: The Movie

Filmed on location at the Ananda communities in California, Italy and India, the fictional Juliet meets real people who not only answer her questions, but welcome her to a reality she had never imagined.

The New Path

The story of a young American’s spiritual quest and his years spent with the great spiritual teacher and yoga master, Paramhansa Yogananda.

How to Concentrate—For Success in Everything

In just one weekend, you can gain an effective and ancient, yet easy-to-practice, technique of meditation; specific tools to help you weed out distractions; and aids to develop the skill of concentration in everything you do.

Demystifying Patanjali by Kriyananda

Demystifying Patanjali

A modern master’s description of the step-by-step process of growth that all spiritual seekers experience.