A Spiritual Adventure to Unlock Your Highest Potential


Learning and growing by experimenting



Nothing worth while is possible without fearless experiments. At times the most daring experiments are needed to bring out the best in fruits and flowers. The human body, human mind and human soul are much more complex, and important, than those of the vegetable world, so the experiments should likewise be more daring, more numerous… 

– Luther Burbank

Topics That We'll Dive into

Class 1

The Art of Living With Purpose

Class 2

Traveling Your Unique pathway to God

Class 3

Unleashing Spiritual Power During Difficult Times

Class 4

Balancing Self-transformation and Self-Acceptance

Class 5

Serving as a Means to Self-Expansion

Class 6

Living a Balanced life – Overcoming Stress & Anxiety

Be active, never passive, in responding to life’s challenges. 
Willing activity will awaken within you the thought that something can be done about every problem you face.

– Swami Kriyananda

Your Course Presenters

Nayaswami Jyotish and Nayaswami Devi are dynamic emissaries of Paramhansa Yogananda and living examples of spiritual values in action. They serve as the Spiritual Directors of Ananda Worldwide. 

Over the 50 years of service through Ananda, they’ve written several books, lectured widely across the globe on numerous topics, counseled many students who’ve sought their counsel from different walks of life, started and guided the inception of projects and businesses for supporting Ananda, and helped establish new Ananda communities in the US, Italy and India. Additionally, they’ve been instrumental in working personally with individuals to carefully and lovingly nurture many of the current residents, teachers, and leaders at Ananda.

“Jyotish and Devi’s deep humility and discipleship, profound wisdom, and universal love for all enable them to transmit the highest teachings of yoga through Touch of Joy.”—Joseph Bharat Cornell, founder of Sharing Nature Worldwide

Everything you need is already inside you

– Paramhansa Yogananda


This course is specifically designed for individuals eager to deepen their spiritual practice.

You’ll enjoy lifetime access to the course content for ongoing learning and reference.

Yes, you will have the opportunity to receive personal guidance and insights directly from us.

We believe everyone deserves the gift of Self-Realization, so we offer a pay what you can model.
No matter how much you pay, you’ll get the same course as everybody else.

If you’re in need of more financial support to access this course, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help.

Sign Up Now

Choose the option that works for you

This is the total amount for all lessons.

We believe everyone deserves the gift of Self-Realization, so we offer a pay what you can model.
No matter how much you pay, you’ll get the same course as everybody else.

Let your example be the way to change others lives. Reform yourself and you will reform thousands

– Paramhansa Yogananda