Christmas is probably the biggest Christian holiday of the year. It is the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus. When a great avatar like Jesus Christ comes to earth he brings with him a “special dispensation” as Paramhansa Yogananda called it, which is God’s grace in a more condensed form and available to all who are open to receive it.

This grace is especially strong when large numbers of people tune into the avatar, as they do during birthdays or other special occasions associated with a great soul. Times like Christmas season, when hundreds of millions are tuned in to Jesus, are powerful spiritual opportunities. Meditate more, pray more and serve others, and you will draw the special grace that flows during this holy time.

Spiritual Community

Christmas at Ananda

As spiritual seekers we know how important the blessings of Christmas are to help us deepen our devotion and expand our inner life. During this time of year, the weather turns colder (in the Northern Hemisphere at least) and animals and humans alike tend to stay home and look for comfort and quiet peace.

The presence of masters and saints can be felt more tangibly during this sacred time when we celebrate the birth of Christ and the birth of Christ Consciousness in our own hearts. If you’re looking to connect more deeply with Ananda or just don’t have any nearby spiritual Christmas activities that resonate with you, here are a few ways you can celebrate the holiday season with us online or in person.

A Christmas Message

When Christmas comes, people usually think of buying gifts for their loved ones. A few think of the beauties of Christmas music and church services. But most people revel in the festivity of the Christmas tree, with its glimmering tinsel and the gifts around it. It’s good to celebrate the birth of Christ with songs, dinners, and the exchange of … Read More

Treasure chest, by Marco Antonio Morales

Family Life Resources

Spiritual Family Life Paramhansa Yogananda Prayers for True and Lasting Love  Dos and Don’ts of Good Parenting Prayer Demands for Children Swami Kriyananda Spiritualizing Family Life Life’s Little Secrets Superconscious Living Exercises – with children Other Ananda Teachers How to Build Fulfilling Relationships, by Nayaswami Jyotish and Nayaswami Devi Finding God in Your Family, by Mary Kretzmann Education and Parenting Books from … Read More