Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

Letters of Encouragement

Joy and suffering depend entirely on attitudes of the mind. The poorest beggar has found bliss when his attitude was right.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

Letters of Encouragement

Guidance rarely comes to us when we sit back and wait for it. The secret of attracting guidance is to raise one’s level of energy.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Community, Spiritual Growth

Letters of Encouragement

Jesus taught that the kingdom of God should not be sought “here” or “there,” for the kingdom of God is within.

Clarity Magazine, Daily Life, Yoga Philosophy

Letters of Encouragement

There is no tension between the teachings of Jesus and of Krishna, or of any of the great masters. The tension arises in our efforts to understand their teachings.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Community, Spiritual Growth

Letters of Encouragement

The fruits of the divine life are selfless love, humility, and all divine qualities.

Clarity Magazine, Daily Life

Letters of Encouragement

India—the real India—is an ancient culture that has survived the disintegrating influences of time.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Community, Spiritual Growth

Letters of Encouragement

When I first met Yogananda, I had many doubts that I determined to “put on a shelf” for the time being, since I was in no position to resolve them.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Community, Spiritual Growth

Letters of Encouragement

I’m not going to ask you even to imagine gratitude for what you’re suffering, but I do ask you to suspend judgment for the time being.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Community, Spiritual Growth

Letters of Encouragement

Any time we suffer in life, our greatest need is to see what it is in ourselves that has attracted that suffering.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Community, Spiritual Growth

Letters of Encouragement

It would be idle for me to say that I am not the guide for those who come to Yogananda through me and Ananda.