The Astral Spine is the place through which you should be “running” prana (life-force) when you are practicing Kriya Yoga. It can be imagined as a hollow tube, about an inch and a half in diameter, running very straight up from the base of the spine (Muladhara or 1st chakra area) going through the middle (central core) of the body (which places it mostly in front of the S-curve of the physical spine).

When it reaches the Medulla Oblongata (receptive pole of the 6th chakra) it curves slightly forward to the Spiritual Eye (point between the eyebrows – the positive pole of the 6th chakra) As you are practicing Kriya Yoga, the prana goes through chakras # 1-6, from to the bottom to top of your Astral Spine, and back down again.


Know the Meaning of Physical Sensations During Meditation

Nayaswami Gyandev

Question from Nikky: I have been meditating only for a month or two…and sometimes I do feel a very very strong tingling sensation and a lot of pressure/energy in my lower back..(almost on my root chakra). This energy seems to be travelling up to my spine in all my chakras. What is it? I also do feel a very strong vibration/pressure in my…


Can You Meditate in Savasana?

Nayaswami Gyandev

Question from Arjen: Please let me know if Savasana (death pose) is suitable for meditation. I mean if we wouldn’t consider that pose has a tendency to induce sleepiness, is Savasana good physically for meditation purpose? Many thanks, Arjen