Paramhansa Yogananda taught that the sushumna, vajra, and chitra nadis (subtle nerve channels for prana) are three concentrenically placed channels of the astral spine (of the astral body).



Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Mathew: Nirvikalpa samadhi happens on which chakra? ‘Baptism on spirit’ happens on which chakra? “Born on spirit” happens on which chakra? Is “born on spirit” same as nirvikalpa samadhi?


Astral Breath

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Rajeev Jayaram: The Gita says the exhaled breath is offered into the inhaled breath. And this is Kriya I believe. So my question is using our body when we inhale we are breathing out in the Astral spine and when we exhale using our body, we breath in through the astral spine, which means we are linking the astral and the material…