The Way of the Ananda Sanghi: Kindred Spirits

We continue with The Way of the Ananda Sanghi, written by Swami Kriyananda. This document explains the principles that Ananda is founded on and what it means to be a committed part of Ananda. Today’s topic is about seeing all spiritual seekers as our brothers and sisters, not separate from us. There are many paths to enlightenment, of which Ananda … Read More

It Isn’t Easy but We Don’t Have a Choice

No one said the path of Self-realization would be easy, but it is well worth the effort. Asha Nayaswami touches on where we can draw strength from to continue the daily battle for inner freedom and take it one small step at a time.

A Brief Holiday from the Subject At Hand

Asha Nayaswami shares a way of looking at God in which we are the Mother and He, the son. This aspect of God as the child is well-known and beloved in India, but is new to the west. How does looking at God as our own child help us to bring ourselves closer to Him?

The Power of Chanting

In this conversation, Asha and Keshava talk about the power of chanting. As Yogananda said, “Chanting is half the battle.” Why? What’s the battle? Can anyone chant and utilize the spiritual power latent within them? Does God care if you have a beautiful voice?

A Larger Drama of Events

Asha takes a break from The Way of the Ananda Sanghi to address the current climate of the world. How can we respond to the rising climate with the riots, pandemic and environmental threats?