How Should We Meet Our Tests?

“The real temptation is the contraction into darkness, away from light.” Nayaswami Jyotish explains the two opposing forces in the universe and how the choices we make daily that bring us towards one or the other. Nayaswami Devi also shares stories illustrating this point.

Is It Possible to Love All?

“If we want to know God, we must not isolate our love, but join it to Divine Love. In spite of the sorrow and the dance of life and death we know that God is love. Then the only purpose of life should be to find God. There is no greater tonic than love, which can beautify the body and … Read More

Abiding in God

The ego isn’t able to bring itself out of delusion, as Nayaswami Devi explains, but needs the help of one who is free — a guru, who accepts responsibility for the spiritual evolution of the disciple. By way of illustrations and stories, Devi shares the necessity of attuning ones consciousness with God through a guru, and helps inspire the listener … Read More

Independence Day Greeting

What is the spiritual significance of the 4th of July? What is its significance to Ananda? In this special greeting to devotees around the world, Nayaswami Jyotish and Nayaswami Devi share thoughts about freedom, the cultures of India and America, and how Paramhansa Yogananda’s past life as William the Conqueror shaped the founding of the U.S.

Love Is a Magician

Watch the full video Highlight from Sunday service “How High Should We Aspire?” Devi shares a story about a masseur and Swami Kriyananda’s ability to heal each one us the way we need it most.

Activity vs. Inner Communion

Not long before his passing, a reporter asked Swami Kriyananda what his greatest accomplishment was. Referring to one of the songs that he wrote, he replied, “Love Is a Magician.” Ending a weekend in celebration of his life, Nayaswami Devi tells stories about the love of Swami Kriyananda, and Nayaswami Jyotish explains how that love was not rooted in him … Read More

Yukteswar Challenges a Pundit

Watch the full video Highlight from Sunday service “Dogmatism vs. Common Sense Sri Yukteswar challenges a pompous pundit to speak truth by his own realizations.