Four Keys to Deeper Meditations

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Our true meditation room is our consciousness, so the trash I’m referring to is those negative, downward-pulling thoughts such as anger, greed, lust, or worry. Sister Gyanamata, one of Master’s most advanced disciples, said, “We are not responsible for the first thought that comes into our mind, but we are responsible for the train of thought that follows.” When an … Read More

Seeing the Possibilities

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When we look at the challenges we face in our life or in the world at large, it’s easy to feel discouraged, or perhaps even hopeless. The secret to navigating rough water, however, is to be aware of the rocks in your path, but look for where the currents are flowing freely. Where others see only obstacles, train yourself to … Read More

My India

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As I write these words it’s March 7, the 65th anniversary of Paramhansa Yogananda’s mahasamadhi (conscious exit from the body). He left this earth in a dramatic fashion. At a banquet in Los Angeles in honor of the visiting Indian ambassador, after a short and very sweet talk, the great master recited his poem, “My India.” As he read the … Read More

My First Day

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I went to work for Swami Kriyananda in 1968, and my first day was an absolute disaster! But, like many disasters, it makes for a good lesson and a good story. I had been helping Swami with small tasks at his evening classes as a volunteer for many months. Then he asked me to quit my job as a social … Read More